Strategic Anticipations and Deployments in Organizations Facing the Future
Edited by
Carine Dartiguepeyrou, Université Catholique de Lille, France.
Michel Saloff-Coste, Université Catholique de Lille, France.
December 2024
In order to think about the future and bring it to life, Futures in Action emphasizes the practical and pragmatic dimensions of foresight. This book makes it possible to develop a vision of the future, anticipate significant changes and pinpoint the weak a... (Read more)
New Approaches
Edited by
Yiannis Dimotikalis, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece.
Christos H. Skiadas, Technical University of Crete, Greece.
September 2024
This book is a collective work by a number of leading scientists, analysts, engineers, mathematicians and statisticians who have been working at the forefront of data analysis and related applications, arising from data science, operations research, engine... (Read more)
Fad or New Paradigm?
Edited by
Luigi Flora, University of Côte d’Azur, France.
Corinne Grenier, KEDGE Business School, France.
Frédéric Ponsignon, KEDGE Business School, France.
July 2024
Using the experience of patients, users, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders to innovate and rethink healthcare organizations and systems is gaining ground. Deploying these innovative methods and practices, however, requires an understanding an... (Read more)
Managing Sustainable, Environmental and Ethical Transitions
Edited by
Thierry Delécolle, De Vinci Higher Education, France.
Florence Jacob, Nantes University (IAE Nantes), France.
Isabelle Prim-Allaz, Lumière Lyon 2 University, France.
July 2024
Digital transformation has shaped a new landscape for companies and their customers, offering companies a wealth of data with which to develop customer knowledge. However, this evolution is just one of many transformations in customer marketing within an i... (Read more)
9 Issues for Competitive, Innovative and Sustainable Territories
Edited by
Anne Albert-Cromarias, ESC Clermont Business School and CleRMa, France.
Thérèse Albertini, University of Corsica, France.
Patrice Terramorsi, University of Corsica, France.
July 2024
Faced with global economic, social and environmental challenges requiring us to go beyond individual actions, the development of collective dynamics is the ideal response. From this perspective, territories, which have long been neglected, are now assertin... (Read more)
Smaïl Aït-El-Hadj, ITECH School of Engineering – University of Lyon, France.
July 2024
Faced with the scale and intensity of the ecological crisis, environmental transition is underway, consisting of a first phase of technological mutation, aimed at replacing technologies harmful to the environment with those which have no destructive effect... (Read more)
Management Factors, Processes and Devices
Edited by
Guy Parmentier, University of Grenoble Alpes, France.
May 2024
Creativity, whether individual or collective, is often approached without taking into account organizational processes, routines and management systems. However, in today’s constantly changing world, developing creativity at all levels of an organization... (Read more)
Edited by
Émilie Ruiz, University of Savoie Mont Blanc and IREGE, France.
May 2024
Creativity has become a major issue for organizations and their managers alike. While it is acknowledged that creative capability exists within organizations, we tend to focus solely on what fosters it, thus neglecting creativity in contexts of openness. ... (Read more)
Theory and Practice – New Approaches
Edited by
Yiannis Dimotikalis, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece.
Christos H. Skiadas, Technical University of Crete, Greece.
May 2024
The book is a collective work by a number of leading scientists, analysts, engineers, mathematicians and statisticians who have been working at the forefront of data analysis and related applications, arising from data science, operations research, enginee... (Read more)
Edited by
Aline Courie-Lemeur, University of Versailles, France.
March 2024
Resilience in healthcare organizations is a complex issue, involving all stakeholders in the healthcare field. It is a highly topical issue, even more so in the wake of the recent health crisis. This book explores the impact of collective intelligence o... (Read more)
Questioning the Economic Model
Marie-France Vernier, ESDES Lyon Business School, France.
March 2024
Successive IPCC reports consistently stress the devastating impact of human activity on the climate. An ecological transition seems essential to modify our economic and social system, while meeting the needs of current and future generations. As the mai... (Read more)
Role of Institutions and Local Actors
Edited by
Martine Brasseur, Paris Cité University and CEDAG, France.
Annie Bartoli, Paris-Saclay University, France.
Didier Chabaud, IAE Paris Sorbonne Business School, France.
Pascal Grouiez, Paris Cité University and LADYSS, France.
Gilles Rouet, Paris Cité University, France.
March 2024
Inequalities and other “social fractures” mark our contemporary economies and societies. While global approaches may have long been sufficient in the past, the focus today is on how local dynamics can make inclusion possible. This two-volume collect... (Read more)
Role of Enterprises and Organizations
Edited by
Martine Brasseur, Paris Cité University and CEDAG, France.
Annie Bartoli, Paris-Saclay University, France.
Didier Chabaud, IAE Paris Sorbonne Business School, France.
Pascal Grouiez, Paris Cité University and LADYSS, France.
Gilles Rouet, Paris Cité University, France.
November 2023
Inequalities and other “social fractures” mark our contemporary economies and societies. While global approaches may have long been sufficient in the past, the focus today is on how local dynamics can make inclusion possible. This two-volume collect... (Read more)
Challenges of Managing Innovation Processes
Sophie Bollinger, University of Strasbourg, France.
November 2023
Innovation is an essential growth lever for organizations. Like any strategic element, it must be managed to ensure the right decision is made at the right time. When we talk about management, we naturally also consider management control. However, using m... (Read more)
Paul Bouvier-Patron, CERGAM, France.
October 2023
Businesses and enterprises can no longer avoid the concern of their Natural Environmental impact, which calls into question their economic activities. Frugal Innovation and Innovative Creation is at the crossroads of economics and management in business... (Read more)
Engineering, Value Chains and Socio-economic Models
Edited by
Vanessa Casadella, University of Picardie Jules Verne, IUT de l’Oise, France.
Dimitri Uzunidis, University of Littoral, France.
October 2023
Innovation is a major challenge for economic development and social progress. Faced with the ecological and food problems that the world is currently experiencing, the legitimacy of innovation takes on its full meaning, particularly in developing countries... (Read more)
Theories, Approaches and Future Research Perspectives
Edited by
Élisabeth Peyroux, CNRS, France
Christine Raimond, CNRS, France
Vincent Viel, University of Paris Cité, France
Émilie Lavie, University of Paris Cité, France
September 2023
Thinking about development and the environment simultaneously is one of the biggest scientific and societal challenges of the 21st century. Understanding the interactions between biophysical systems and human activities in an era of global change requires ... (Read more)
The Great Turn
Edited by
Carine Dartiguepeyrou, University Catholique of Lille, France
Michel Saloff-Coste, University Catholique of Lille, France
August 2023
In the same way as there are many futures, not just one, there are many ways to conceive and practice foresight. The challenge of the great turning point of our civilization is to free ourselves from our prejudices in order to imagine and build desirable f... (Read more)
Inventive Knowledge Analysis for Ideation Stimulation
Pierre Saulais, Bangkok University, Thailand
April 2023
Our world overwhelms us with more and more data every day. Yet we need to face many challenges in order to deal with its complexity – notably to discern the essential from the accessory, to exploit quality and not quantity, to explore the depth of our kn... (Read more)
A Lever for Crisis Management
Edited by
Christelle Bruyère, Jean Monnet de Saint-Etienne University, France
November 2022
Health organizations in social, medico-social and health sectors are not immune to the pressures of productivity, efficiency and quality. The race against time, which is far more problematic today than 20 years ago, makes care in the workplace much more di... (Read more)
Edited by
Lucía Morales, Technological University Dublin, Ireland
Sam Dzever, Université Paris-Saclay, Evry, France
Robert Taylor, University of Sheffield, UK
November 2022
The main objective of this book is to offer an overview and a critical assessment of current connectivity issues in Asia and Europe, seen from an industrial perspective. Critical insights into the contemporary debate on connectivity during times of crisis,... (Read more)
Computational, Algorithmic and Applied Economic Data Analysis
Edited by
Konstantinos N. Zafeiris, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Christos H. Skiadas, University of Crete, Greece
Yiannis Dimotikalis, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece
Alex Karagrigoriou, University of the Aegean, Greece
Christiana Karagrigoriou-Vonta, Freelance, Greece
October 2022
The scientific field of data analysis is constantly expanding due to the rapid growth of the computer industry and the wide applicability of computational and algorithmic techniques, in conjunction with new advances in statistical, stochastic and analytic ... (Read more)
Multivariate, Health and Demographic Data Analysis
Edited by
Konstantinos N. Zafeiris, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece.
Christos H. Skiadas, University of Crete, Greece.
Yiannis Dimotikalis, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece.
Alex Karagrigoriou, University of the Aegean, Greece.
Christiana Karagrigoriou-Vonta, Freelance, Greece.
October 2022
The scientific field of data analysis is constantly expanding due to the rapid growth of the computer industry and the wide applicability of computational and algorithmic techniques, in conjunction with new advances in statistical, stochastic and analytic ... (Read more)
Camille Aouinaït, Consultant
October 2022
The main aim of opening up innovation is to optimize the process of creating innovations, while pooling human, financial and material resources. Various profiles of actors are thus brought together to collaborate to achieve common objectives and particular... (Read more)
A Value Creation Lever for Open Innovation
Odile de Saint Julien, KEDGE BS, France
September 2022
Ecosystems have been present in the fields of economics and management for decades, and in recent years they have experienced rapid development. However, there is still no consensus on the definition of an innovation ecosystem. Using concrete examples, ... (Read more)
New Spaces and New Working Times
Edited by
Emilie Vayre, Lumière University of Lyon 2, France
July 2022
Digitalization of Work brings together researchers and international experts whose work and practices are based on a variety of disciplines such as work and organizational psychology, social psychology, ergonomics, communication and information sciences, a... (Read more)
David Heller, ISC, France
July 2022
The valuation of the liability structure can be determined by real options because the shares of a company can be regarded as similar to the purchase of a financial call option. Therefore, from this perspective, debt can be viewed as the sale of a financia... (Read more)
Governance Tools for the Third Millennium
Geneviève Bouché, Consultant, France
July 2022
The increasing urgency of environmental issues necessitates the rethinking of our societal model. This book explores this assertion by going back in time and pinpointing the turning points in the evolution of European society that we are currently experien... (Read more)
The Future of Civilizations and the Civilization of the Future
Michel Saloff-Coste, Université Catholique de Lille (UCL), France
June 2022
Our current situation, marked simultaneously by the Anthropocene, global warming, digitization and exponential artificial intelligence, leads us to sudden and total change in global civilization and, de facto, to rebuilding the foundations of the internati... (Read more)
Principles and Implementation
Valérie Mathieu, IAE Aix-Marseille, France
March 2022
The notion of customer orientation is becoming a necessity rather than a choice for many companies. It is a lasting response to competitive pressure and supports the company in a renewed definition of its mission, beyond direct economic gain. Within B2B se... (Read more)
Between Individual Trajectories and Organizational Strategic Planning
Edited by
Florent Noël, IAE Paris – Sorbonne Business School, France
Géraldine Schmidt, IAE Paris – Sorbonne Business School, France
March 2022
Industrial, economic and organizational mutations are creating a transformation in employment, skills and work. Developing the employability of the workforce is one response to these challenges. However, the link between mutations and employability is not ... (Read more)
How Virtual and Augmented Reality Enables the Co-Creation of Concepts
Sylvain Fleury and Simon Richir, École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers in Laval-Paris, France
January 2022
The digital transformation of companies is both a competitive challenge and a complex step for large groups and industries, and at the same time a tremendous opportunity. This transformation is entering a new dimension with the development of immersive tec... (Read more)
Innovation Trajectories and Process Optimization
Bastien Soulé, University of Lyon 1, France
Julie Hallé, University of Lyon 1, France
Bénédicte Vignal, University of Lyon 1, France
Éric Boutroy, University of Lyon 1, France
Olivier Nier, University of Lyon 1, France
January 2022
Whether in terms of practices, equipment or services, the sports sector is characterized by intense inventiveness and is an excellent subject to study innovation processes. This book provides a sociological reading of these processes, illustrated by cas... (Read more)
The Joint Challenge of the Small Company
Manon Enjolras, ERPI laboratory - Université de Lorraine, France
January 2022
The concepts of innovation and export are traditionally considered in isolation, both within companies and within the support organizations dedicated to them. As a result, within this broad research field, very little academic work has focused on how to im... (Read more)
Science–Industry Relationships in the Face of Forced Advancement
Estelle Vallier, Gustave Roussy Institute, France
January 2022
Forged at the heart of international political bodies by expert researchers, the innovation cluster concept has been incorporated into most public policies in industrialized countries. Based largely on the ideas behind the success of Silicon Valley, severa... (Read more)
Claudine Guerrier, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, France
November 2021
By the year 2000, a balance was sought between security requirements and a respect for privacy, as well as for individual and collective freedoms. As we progress further into the 21st century, however, security is taking precedence within an increasingly c... (Read more)
Pierre Giorgini, Catholic University of Lille, France
November 2021
This book sheds light on a crucial debate on the possible role of the technosciences in meeting the challenges of the future. It shows that the current contributory revolution is global and profound, and that it concerns the whole epistemological field –... (Read more)
Main Themes
Edited by
Dimitri Uzunidis, Research Network on Innovation, France
Fedoua Kasmi, University of Lorraine, France
Laurent Adatto, CNAM, France
September 2021
Innovation, in economic activity, in managerial concepts and in engineering design, results from creative activities, entrepreneurial strategies and the business climate. Innovation leads to technological, organizational and commercial changes, due to the ... (Read more)
Special Themes
Edited by
Dimitri Uzunidis, Research Network on Innovation, France
Fedoua Kasmi, University of Lorraine, France
Laurent Adatto, CNAM, France
September 2021
Innovation, in economic activity, in managerial concepts and in engineering design, results from creative activities, entrepreneurial strategies and the business climate. Innovation leads to technological, organizational and commercial changes, due to the ... (Read more)
Organizational Innovations in Healthcare
Edited by
Corinne Grenier, KEDGE Business School, France
Ewan Oiry, Université du Québec à Montréal (ESG-UQAM), Canada
September 2021
How can healthcare systems be transformed by reimagining their multiple silos to favor processes and practices that are more responsive to local, horizontal initiatives? Altering Frontiers analyzes numerous experiences, using a multidisciplinary approac... (Read more)
Edited by
Jérôme Béranger, University of Toulouse III, France
Roland Rizoulières, Sciences Po Aix, France
September 2021
What sort of health system do we want to implement in the face of the imminent arrival of artificial intelligence and robotics in medical practices? The Covid-19 health crisis has demonstrated the importance of digital technologies in the care of patients ... (Read more)
Paul-Jacques Lehmann, University of Rouen, France
September 2021
It now seems to be a given that the principles that presided over the birth of liberalism and capitalism are no longer relevant. To understand the evolution of this ideology and economic system, Liberalism and Capitalism Today examines the work of the two ... (Read more)
Financial, Demographic, Stochastic and Statistical Models and Methods
Edited by
Yannis Dimotikalis, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece
Alex Karagrigoriou, University of the Aegean, Greece
Christina Parpoula, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Greece
Christos H. Skiadas, Technical University of Crete, Greece
July 2021
Data analysis is a scientific field that continues to grow enormously, most notably over the last few decades, following rapid growth within the tech industry, as well as the wide applicability of computational techniques alongside new advances in analytic... (Read more)
Computational Data Analysis Methods and Tools
Edited by
Yannis Dimotikalis, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece
Alex Karagrigoriou, University of the Aegean, Greece
Christina Parpoula, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Greece
Christos H. Skiadas, Technical University of Crete, Greece
June 2021
Data analysis is a scientific field that continues to grow enormously, most notably over the last few decades, following rapid growth within the tech industry, as well as the wide applicability of computational techniques alongside new advances in analytic... (Read more)
Jacques Arcade, Sciences Po Rennes, University Paris Dauphine, University Paris 13 and the IRTS Foundation, France
June 2021
In the face of increasing complexity, uncertainty and difficulty in the design and implementation of reforms, companies, organizations and institutions must strive to capitalize on the prevailing disarray by acting wisely in overcoming it. Strategic engine... (Read more)
Christophe Dispas, SKEMA Business School, France
Georges Kayanakis, ASK, France
Nicolas Servel, SKEMA Business School, France
Ludmila Striukova, SKEMA Business School, France
June 2021
Using a didactic approach for non-specialists, this book details the entire process and the steps to be followed by entrepreneurs who are looking to turn a simple idea into a publicly traded company. Instructive in nature, Innovation and Financial Markets ... (Read more)
Nicolas Buclet, Institut d’Urbanisme et de Géographie Alpine, France
June 2021
In the same realm as social ecology, industrial ecology and the circular economy, a new interdisciplinary field is growing: territorial ecology. Based on the analysis of the metabolism of human societies at a local level, it helps us diagnose a socio-ecosy... (Read more)
David Heller, ISC, France
June 2021
Financial operations depend on potential value creation, the nature of the shareholder base, the level of development of the company and its growth prospects. They result from different commercial and financial strategies that must integrate the interest o... (Read more)
Edited by
Thierry Gaudin, MINES ParisTech, France
Marie-Christine Maurel, Sorbonne University, France
Jean-Charles Pomerol, Sorbonne University, France
June 2021
Chance, Calculation and Life brings together 16 original papers from the colloquium of the same name, organized by the International Cultural Center of Cerisy in 2019. From mathematics to the humanities and biology, there are many concepts and questions... (Read more)
Modeling and Empirical Study
Christian Goglin, CREGO Laboratory - University of Burgundy – France
March 2021
Equity crowdfunding is a new way for seed stage start-ups to generate initial capital and, as such, raises questions around the choices made by investors within this area. Understanding it is important for investor protection, as investors are generally un... (Read more)
Edited by
Carolina Machado, University of Minho, Portugal
J. Paulo Davim, University of Aveiro, Portugal
March 2021
In a competitive and complex world, where requirements from different fields are ever-growing, organizations need to be responsible for their actions in their respective markets. However, this responsibility must not be deemed one-time-only but instead ... (Read more)
Concepts, Tools and Methods
François-Xavier Meunier, ENSTA Paris, France
February 2021
Technical superiority is one of the keys to military domination. Thus, defense industries have supported the development of increasingly efficient systems and made significant contributions to technical progress. However, since the late 1980s, defense i... (Read more)
Transdisciplinary Theoretical Approach
Christian Goglin, University of Burgundy – France-Comté, France.
February 2021
Equity crowdfunding is a new way for seed stage start-ups to generate initial capital and, as such, raises questions around the choices made by investors within this area. Understanding it is important for investor protection, as investors are generally un... (Read more)
Reflections, Challenges and Limitations
Yves-Alain Ach, Leonardo da Vinci School of Management (EMLV), France
Sandra Rmadi-Saïd, Leonardo da Vinci School of Management (EMLV), France
February 2021
The brand is the company’s most important asset. In their financial statements, companies are faced with a lack of accounting recognition for the brands they have created, and value recognition for the brands they have acquired. This book studies the nat... (Read more)
Corporate Social Responsibility and Shared Value Creation
Nacer Gasmi, University Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France
February 2021
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is simply the maximization of a company’s value over time, undertaken because, in the long run, social and environmental problems ultimately become financial problems. The justification for CSR is therefore associate... (Read more)
Frameworks and Tools
Marcos Lima, SKEMA Business School, France
February 2021
This book is a compilation of tools, techniques and frameworks for use in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation (E&I) education. Developed and honed over the past two decades, these teaching approaches are combined with well-versed practical insight... (Read more)
Understanding and Supporting Technological Changes
Edited by
Marc-Eric Bobillier Chaumon, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France
February 2021
The accelerating pace of technological change (AI, cobots, immersive reality, connected objects, etc.) calls for a profound re-examination of how we conduct business. This requires new ways of thinking, acting, organizing and collaborating in our work. ... (Read more)
Realities and Future Prospects
Sonia Ben Slimane, ERIM-ESCP Paris, France
Hatem M’henni, ESCT (École Supérieure de Commerce de Tunis), Tunisia
December 2020
In analyzing the complex link between entrepreneurship, innovation and development in the context of the emerging world, this book offers a holistic reading of this triptych based on a theoretical foundation that is itself subject to controversy: the natio... (Read more)
Pascal Latouche, University of Paris-Saclay, France
November 2020
By paying attention to entrepreneurs, we can see that the entrepreneurial process is an exciting project that lasts a lifetime. But it won’t always be easy! For entrepreneurs, winning clients can often mean working with or for large groups and organizati... (Read more)
The P.S.I. Approach
Marianne Chouteau, University of Lyon, France
Joëlle Forest, University of Lyon, France
Céline Nguyen, University of Lyon, France
October 2020
In a context marked by unprecedented challenges (the struggle against inequalities, climate change, etc.), innovation appears to be the ready-made universal scapegoat. Innovation for Society, however, suggests that we look at innovation differently, by... (Read more)
Major Challenge for the Digital Society
Jean-Louis Monino, University of Montpellier, France
October 2020
Businesses are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of data and information. As such, they are eager to develop ways to “manage” them, to enrich them and take advantage of them. Indeed, the recent explosion of a phenomenal amount of data, and ... (Read more)
From Waste Reduction to Value Creation
Edited by
Karen Delchet-Cochet, ISC Paris Business School, France
October 2020
Due to the challenges of climate change, the collapse of biodiversity and an increase in inequality, it has become necessary for us to change our habits and to embrace what some might call a “Copernican revolution”. This book argues that the best facil... (Read more)
Edited by
Thomas Michaud, Consultant
October 2020
Science fiction is often presented as a source of utopia, or even of prophecies, used in capitalism to promote social, political and technoscientific innovations. Science Fiction and Innovation Design assesses the validity of this approach by exploring ... (Read more)
Entrepreneurial Strategies and Market Dynamics
Edited by
Dimitri Uzunidis, Innovation Research Network, France
October 2020
Systemic innovation is based on business networks and new business models in a global economy integrated by flows of knowledge, capital, and goods. The authors of this book consider the theory that innovations act as systems based on multi-actor interactio... (Read more)
New Developments and Financial Applications
Edited by
Emmanuel Jurczenko, Glion Institute of Higher Education, Switzerland
September 2020
This new edited volume consists of a collection of original articles written by leading financial economists and industry experts in the area of machine learning for asset management. The chapters introduce the reader to some of the latest research deve... (Read more)
Clotilde Coron, IAE Paris – Sorbonne Business School, France
Patrick Gibert, IAE Paris – Sorbonne Business School, France
April 2020
Technological change is exciting as much as it is daunting. The arrival of new digital tools affects consumption patterns, types of employment and working conditions, and can pose challenges to organizations and individuals alike. Indeed, although technolo... (Read more)
Uses and Analyses
Clotilde Coron, IAE Paris – Sorbonne Business School, France
April 2020
Since the late 20th Century, Human Resources (HR) has had a legal obligation to produce reports for management in most firms. However, these have long been considered restrictive and are seldom used to improve decision-making. More recently, the emergence ... (Read more)
Understanding and Deploying a KM Plan within a Learning
Pierre Saulais, Institute of Knowledge and Innovation South East Asia (IKI SEA, Bangkok University), Thailand
Jean-Louis Ermine, Institut Mines-Télécom, France
April 2020
The status of knowledge management (KM) as a mature science has long been recognized in the academic world. However, in the economic arena, its connection with companies and organizations has been more gradual. Jean-Louis Ermine established a theoretical a... (Read more)
Computational, Classification, Financial, Statistical and Stochastic Methods
Edited by
Andreas Makrides, University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus
Alex Karagrigoriou, University of the Aegean, Greece
Christos H. Skiadas, Technical University of Crete, Greece
April 2020
Data analysis as an area of importance has grown exponentially, especially during the past couple of decades. This can be attributed to a rapidly growing computer industry and the wide applicability of computational techniques, in conjunction with new adva... (Read more)
Financial Data Analysis and Methods
Edited by
Andreas Makrides, University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus
Alex Karagrigoriou, University of the Aegean, Greece
Christos H. Skiadas, Technical University of Crete, Greece
April 2020
Data analysis as an area of importance has grown exponentially, especially during the past couple of decades. This can be attributed to a rapidly growing computer industry and the wide applicability of computational techniques, in conjunction with new adva... (Read more)
Eco-development versus Sustainable Development
Clément Morlat, Consultant
March 2020
Wealth is no longer just an ability to live well in a world shaped by human activities. It is also an ability to push back or defer the limits of a world in biological and climatic closure. This book examines the theoretical conflicts and the power plays w... (Read more)
Edited by
Bernadette Andreosso-O’Callaghan, University of Limerick, Ireland
Sam Dzever, Université Paris-Saclay, France
Jacques Jaussaud, University of Pau, France
Robert Taylor, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
February 2020
Asian and European countries have adopted different approaches to the conflicting priorities of economic growth and low carbon emissions. In this volume – based on the revised versions of papers presented at the 24th International Euro-Asia Research Conf... (Read more)
Symbolic, Complex and Network Data
Edited by
Edwin Diday, Paris-Dauphine University-PSL, France
Rong Guan, Central University of Finance and Economics, China
Gilbert Saporta, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France
Huiwen Wang, Beihang University, China
January 2020
Data science unifies statistics, data analysis and machine learning to achieve a better understanding of the masses of data which are produced today, and to improve prediction. Special kinds of data (symbolic, network, complex, compositional) are increasin... (Read more)
Victor Dos Santos Paulino, TBS Business School in Toulouse, France
January 2020
Ever since their inception, space activities have been innovative, but not driven by commercial considerations – that is, until the end of the Cold War, when the commercialization of space escalated. As a result, the direction of the innovation changed i... (Read more)
Pierre Massotte, Consultant
Patrick Corsi, Consultant
January 2020
Pertinent to modern industry, administration, finance and society, the most pressing issue for firms today is how to reapproach the way we think and work in business. With topics ranging from improving productivity and coaxing economic growth after peri... (Read more)
Bernard Guilhon, Aix-Marseille University, France
January 2020
The funding of innovative projects that are fundamentally ambiguous often leads to situations where decision-making is difficult. However, decision-making can be improved by practices such as syndication and step-by-step funding. The dynamic of this indust... (Read more)
Views of Stakeholders on Training and Learning
Edited by
Jean-Luc Cerdin, ESSEC Business School, France
Jean-Marie Peretti, ESSEC Business School, France
January 2020
Apprenticeships can offer apprentices, their teacher-tutors and business apprenticeship supervisors experiences that are rich in knowledge. The Success of Apprenticeships presents the observations and opinions of 48 actors regarding apprenticeships. The... (Read more)
David Heller, ISC Paris, France
December 2019
In order to create value, companies must allocate their resources effectively and evaluate investment alternatives. This book examines, from a theoretical and empirical point of view, how managerial flexibility can be integrated into investment decisions t... (Read more)
Understanding and Deploying a KM Plan within a Learning Organization
Pierre Saulais, IKI SEA, Bangkok University, Thailand
Jean-Louis Ermine, Mines Telecom Institute, France
November 2019
The status of knowledge management (KM) as a mature science has long been recognized in the academic world. However, in the economic arena, its connection with companies and organizations has been more gradual. Jean-Louis Ermine established a theoretical a... (Read more)
Shared Inventions, Competitive Innovations and Social Dynamics
Michel Vigezzi, University of Grenoble-Alpes, France
November 2019
Based on the paradigms of economics and management, inspired by the history of technology and the sociology of technological change, the concepts of shared inventions and competitive innovations make it possible to analyze the industrialization of the worl... (Read more)
Edited by
Estelle Pellegrin-Boucher, University of Montpellier, France
Pierre Roy, University of Montpellier, France
November 2019
Technological innovations, sociological and consumer trends, and growing internationalization are transforming the cultural and creative industries (CCIs). These changes present new challenges for CCIs that require original and inventive answers. Innova... (Read more)
Joël-Thomas Ravix, University of Côte d’Azur, France
Marc Deschamps, University of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
November 2019
Microeconomic policies – in particular, industrial and innovation policies – are appraised and enforced within the framework of the rules relative to free movement and competition. This book introduces the current wave of innovative industrial polic... (Read more)
Operationalization of Latent Constructs
Azza Frikha, Tunis Business School (ESCT), Tunisia
November 2019
Scientific research uses concepts (or constructs) and requires means to measure them. Often latent, abstract and not directly observable, these concepts demand special attention. When facing problems related to their operationalization, considerable effort... (Read more)
From Polar Expeditions to Exploration-Oriented Organizations
Edited by
Pascal Lièvre, Clermont Auvergne University, France
Monique Aubry, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Gilles Garel, the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts, France
October 2019
In response to the rise of various forms of the extreme in economies, organizations and societies (such as disruptive innovation, climate emergency, financial crisis, high-risk sport, etc.), an ambitious 21st century program sets the agenda of management s... (Read more)
Stéphane Goria, University of Lorraine, France
Pierre Humbert, University of Lorraine, France
Benoît Roussel, University of Lorraine, France
October 2019
Information, Knowledge and Agile Creativity will enlighten entrepreneurs, and is ideal for facilitating an organization’s ability to react and adapt to its environment. Creativity is a system that engenders innovation. While integral at the conception... (Read more)
Challenges, Evolutions and Prospects
Claudine Gay, Université Lumière Lyon 2, France
Bérangère L. Szostak, Lorraine-University of Strasbourg, France
August 2019
In order to survive in their market and differentiate themselves from the competition, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which represent more than 90% of companies worldwide, need to be creative and innovative. This book presents a conceptual ... (Read more)
Edited by
Pierre Barbaroux, Ecole de l’air, France
July 2019
Recent advances in the disciplines of computer science (e.g., quantum theory, artificial intelligence), biotechnology and nanotechnology have deeply modified the structures of knowledge from which military capabilities are likely to develop. This book disc... (Read more)
The Advent of Disintermediation
Matthieu Quiniou, Attorney, France
June 2019
The dominance of trusted intermediaries could be weakened by blockchain, a distributed ledger technology, one of the functions of which is to constitute timestamped proofs by replacing inter-individual trust with algorithmic trust. Blockchain self-execu... (Read more)
A Comprehensive Evaluation Method
Jean-Louis Leignel, Consultant
Emmanuel Ménager, Consultant
Serge Yablonsky, Consultant
May 2019
Sustainable Enterprise Performance details a method for evaluating an enterprise’s readiness and progress toward sustainable performance through a comprehensive set of qualitative and quantitative indicators. These indicators cover enterprise strategy... (Read more)
Responsibilization in a State of Tension with Market Regulation
Blagovesta Nikolova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
May 2019
This book explores the prospects of innovation governance within the context of the growing uneasiness surrounding the effects, democratic deficits and overall societal adequacy of techno-scientific progress. There is a focus on the recently promoted notio... (Read more)
CRM in the Digital Age
Edited by
Gilles N'Goala, University of Montpellier, France
Virginie Pez-Pérard, University Paris II Panthéon-Assas, France
Isabelle Prim-Allaz, Lumière University Lyon 2, France
May 2019
Digital transformation is shaping a new landscape for businesses and their customers. For marketing professionals, advancing technology (artificial intelligence, robots, chatbots, etc.) and the explosion of personal data available present great opportuniti... (Read more)
The Management of Client–Supplier Interactions for Open Innovation
Romaric Servajean-Hilst, Ecole Polytechnique, France
May 2019
Over the last 30 years, the pace of innovation has exploded while available resources have become increasingly scarce. Open Innovation is the solution, with client–supplier relationships being the main expedient. However, collaborating in innovation i... (Read more)
David Heller, ISC Paris, France
Sylvain de Chadirac, Consultant, Paris Business Angels
Lana Halaoui, ISC Paris, France
Camille Jouvet, ISC Paris, France
May 2019
In France, the number of young start-ups has soared since the beginning of the 2010s, leading the government to encourage their development and make France the “start-up nation”. This book contributes to a better understanding of the emergence of th... (Read more)
A New Strategic and Operational Approach
Alain Juillet, Académie de l’Intelligence Economique, France
Philippe Clerc, CCI France
April 2019
Information in all its forms is at the heart of the economic intelligence process. It is also a powerful vector of innovation and, more than ever, a balance between economic and societal forces. Strategic Intelligence for the Future 1 analyzes the need ... (Read more)
A New Information Function Approach
Alain Juillet, Académie de l’Intelligence Economique, France
Philippe Clerc, CCI France
April 2019
Information in all its forms is at the heart of the economic intelligence process. It is also a powerful vector of innovation and, more than ever, a balance between economic and societal forces. That is why a large part of Strategic Intelligence for the... (Read more)
Mario Amendola, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Jean-Luc Gaffard, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France
April 2019
Disorder and Public Concern Around Globalization examines the contrast between an idealized vision and a realistic view of globalization. Both are inscribed in the contemporary debate within political and economic theory. This opposition highlights the con... (Read more)
Clustering and Regression, Modeling-estimating, Forecasting and Data Mining
Edited by
Christos H. Skiadas, Technical University of Crete, Greece
James R. Bozeman, American University of Malta
February 2019
This series of books collects a diverse array of work that provides the reader with theoretical and applied information on data analysis methods, models, and techniques, along with appropriate applications. Volume 1 begins with an introductory chapter b... (Read more)
Utilization of Results in Europe and Other Topics
Edited by
Christos H. Skiadas, Technical University of Crete, Greece
James R. Bozeman, American University of Malta
February 2019
This series of books collects a diverse array of work that provides the reader with theoretical and applied information on data analysis methods, models and techniques, along with appropriate applications. Volume 2 begins with an introductory chapter by... (Read more)
Africa, the World’s Laboratories of Tomorrow
Soufyane Frimousse, University of Corsica, France
February 2019
Africa is a laboratory for managerial and societal innovations built out of pragmatic arrangements. Some African companies offer products and services that go beyond the standard practices of their international counterparts, based on original and inventiv... (Read more)
Paul-Jacques Lehmann, University of Rouen, France
February 2019
The advent of the euro was a revolution for the 340 million people who exchanged their former currencies – considered a fundamental element of national sovereignty – for this new single currency. Encouraged by some who believe that its introduction ... (Read more)
Edited by
Joël Priolon, AgroParisTech, France
January 2019
Agricultural, energy or mineral commodities are traded internationally in two market categories: physical markets and financial markets. More specifically, on the financial markets, contracts are negotiated, the price of which depends on the price of a com... (Read more)
Jean-Alain Héraud, University of Strasbourg, France
Fiona Kerr, University of Adelaide, Australia
Thierry Burger-Helmchen, University of Strasbourg, France
January 2019
This book is a general presentation of complex systems, examined from the point of view of management. There is no standard formula to govern such systems, nor to effectively understand and respond to them. The interdisciplinary theory of self-organizat... (Read more)
Corporate Incubator
Pascal Latouche, Consultant
January 2019
The corporate start-up incubator is currently developing in large companies as an essential approach to open innovation. It faces a global system involving varied contexts, issues and actors. Its implementation is an art and to succeed the corporate incuba... (Read more)
New Applications, New Questions
Edited by
Alain Roger and Didier Vinot, Université Lyon 3, iaeLyon, France
January 2019
Managing skills is at the core of Human Resources Management. Based on previous literature and realized with researchers from Magellan, the Research Center in Management of iaeLyon, Skills Management examines how skills can be analyzed at the individual an... (Read more)
Towards a Society of Well-being
Michel Millot, Consultant
January 2019
Product information is excessively commercial and technical. There is no single best product for all, and the price/quality ratio can be deceptive. Word of mouth is growing with opinions shared on the internet. This book calls for the reinvention of a new ... (Read more)
The Politics at the Bottom of the Pyramid
Mario Pansera and Richard Owen, University of Bristol, UK
November 2018
Innovation, often tempered by the language of inclusion, has become an indispensable element of contemporary development policy and practice in the so-called Global South. Driven by multinational companies, public–private partnerships and social enterpri... (Read more)
Henri Samier, École des Arts et Métiers ParisTech, France
November 2018
This book explores the scientific perspective on the concept of intuition, particularly in relation to vibration, music and emotion. Taking a multimedia approach, it contains practical exercises that will help the reader to achieve greater intuition and de... (Read more)
Yves Richez, France
October 2018
Talent is not a matter of status, nor a sub-component of personality, nor a commodity that can be quantified or measured. This book consists of two parts. The first offers a fertile resource (epistemological and theoretical) to consider the notion of ta... (Read more)
Edited by
Denis Lemaître, ENSTA Bretagne, France
October 2018
Throughout history, engineers have been defined as those who bring technological innovation to society. However, the concept of innovation and the role of the engineer are now changing as a result of globalization, the digital revolution, growing inequalit... (Read more)
Tools for Developing Responsible Activities
Edited by
Catherine Loisy, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France
Jean-Claude Coulet, Rennes 2 University, France
September 2018
Today, training policies largely promote competence and program-based approaches, particularly in Europe. Through these approaches, another way of contemplating knowledge and human activities undeniably takes shape. The debate between those who promote the... (Read more)
Principles and Practices
Edited by
Dimitri Uzunidis
September 2018
In macro-, meso- and micro-economic systems, the concept of innovation involves a variety of resources and functions. It includes all formal and informal institutions, networks and actors that influence innovation and act as innovation boosters within comp... (Read more)
Edited by
Marianne Chouteau, National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon, France
Joëlle Forest, National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon, France
Céline Nguyen, National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon, France
September 2018
Innovation is widely valued and encouraged within Western societies. In recent years, the development of an innovation culture seems to be the best way to develop an innovation capacity. However, is our current innovation culture sufficient to meet the ... (Read more)
How to Consume Differently
Michel Millot, Consultant
September 2018
Product information is far too commercial (labels, publicity, websites, sellers, etc.) and too technical (product descriptions, trade press, laboratory measures, etc.). This information is practically always scattered, heterogeneous and incomplete. The ... (Read more)
Their Role in the Formation of Strategic Alliances
Kirsten Burkhardt, University of Burgundy, France
September 2018
Private equity firms (PEFs), in France and globally, operate in an increasingly competitive environment, and there remains a lack of medium-sized firms in France. Providing assistance through the formation of strategic alliances between their portfolio com... (Read more)
Patrick Gilbert, IAE Paris - Sorbonne Business School, France
Natalia Bobadilla, University of Rouen Normandy, France
Lise Gastaldi, Institute of Labor Economics and Industrial Sociology, France
Martine Le Boulaire, Cercle Innovation Management Expertise, France
Olga Lelebina, ISG International Business School, France
August 2018
In today's business world, where companies constantly seek to grow and develop by optimizing their potential for innovation and creativity, it is essential to understand the critical issues and management practices in R&D. This book proposes a critical... (Read more)
Certainties and Controversies
Romain Debref, University of Reims, France
July 2018
The end of the post-war economic boom was marked by the recognition of the environmental problem with the oil crises of the 1970s and, in 1972, the first major UN conference devoted to the human environment. Successive international meetings have resulted ... (Read more)
MINT – Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey
Vanessa Casadella, University of Picardie Jules Verne, France
July 2018
Innovation systems reflect the relationships that interact with production, diffusion and the use of new knowledge. Promoted by enterprises’ strategies and public policies, innovation systems serve as a reference for understanding the phenomena of growth... (Read more)
Delphine van Hoorebeke, University of Toulon, France
July 2018
This book discusses research that has been conducted on the role of emotions in management, regarding psychological domains, neurology, sociology, management and the economy. The book also presents concrete examples of the intervention of emotions in day-t... (Read more)
Theory, Strategy, Finance
Mohammed Ibrahimi, National School of Commerce and Management, Casablanca, Morocco
July 2018
This book on financial strategy covers the evolution of mergers and acquisitions by focusing primarily on value creation. Aware that the stages of this phenomenon remain largely misunderstood in finance, the author defines various types of operations, expl... (Read more)
Stéphane Callens, Artois University, Arras, France.
June 2018
We understand globalization as the existence of new macroeconomic solidarities; these have been attested since around the mid-1980s, with the observation of Kenichi Ohmae's tripolar world. Creative globalization has several faces: that of strategies of enl... (Read more)
Edited by
Ludovic Temple, CIRAD, France
Eveline M.F.W. Compaoré Sawadogo, CNRST, Burkina Faso
April 2018
Agriculture in developing countries must be innovated in order to respond to the triple threat of food and nutritional security, environmental issues and employment needs in rural areas. Yet, existing diffusionist innovation models based on the technologic... (Read more)
USGAAP and IFRS Standards
Aldo Lévy, Lirsa Cnam, France
Faten Ben Bouheni, ISC Paris Business School, France
Chantal Ammi, Institut Mines-Télécom, France
April 2018
Financial analyses are most often based on data from accounting documents published by businesses at the end of each year. Diagnostics, prognostics and recommendations are therefore usually made according to the information extracted from these documents, ... (Read more)
Edited by
Thierry Gaudin, MINES ParisTech, France
Dominique Lacroix, 2100 Foundation
Marie-Christine Maurel, Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France
Jean-Charles Pomerol, Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France
March 2018
Developed from presentations given at the Cerisy SVSI (Sciences de la vie, sciences de l’information) conference held in 2016, this book presents a broad overview of thought and research at the intersection of life sciences and information sciences. ... (Read more)
The Creative Loop
Jean-Louis Ermine, Institut Mines-Télécom, France
March 2018
Knowledge Management is a strategic issue for both public and private companies and for standard-setting bodies such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), who have recently incorporat... (Read more)
Innovation to Conquer New Markets
Noémie Dominguez, IAE Lyon, France
March 2018
A vector of opportunities and threats, the international market is a real challenge for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Gateway strategies – the process of setting up in one country in order to re-export to neighboring third-party markets ... (Read more)
Françoise Cros, National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts, Paris, France
February 2018
Innovation, venerated over the past two centuries in Western society, has not always been considered so positively. This book takes stock of the meanings generated by innovation, in particular by social innovation, clearly distinct from technological in... (Read more)
Philippe Sachetti and Thibaud Zuppinger, pH6
February 2018
In this changing environment, new technologies and manipulation techniques are rendering our defense schemes obsolete. No brand is immune from opposition. Through means of reflections, case studies and theoretical panoramas, this book is a valuable guide f... (Read more)
Edited by
Marine Corlosquet-Habart, University of West Brittany, Brest, France
Jacques Janssen, Solvay Business School (ULB), Brussels, Belgium
January 2018
This book presents the fundamentals for understanding the concept of big data, including data analysis methods, learning processes, its applications to insurance and its position within the insurance market. Topics ranging from classical data analysis... (Read more)
Abdelhakim Hammoudi, National Institute of Agronomic Research, Paris, France
Nabyla Daidj, Télécom Ecole de Management, Institut Mines-Télécom, France
December 2017
Starting from strategic management problems and the case studies of the managerial school of thought, this book presents an original analysis of these problems based on concepts of game theory. A conceptual and operational approach to the resolution of the... (Read more)
Lever for SME Development and Stakeholder Value Creation
Edited by
Céline Bérard, University of Lyon (Lumière University Lyon 2), France
Christine Teyssier, University of Lyon (Jean Monnet University), France
November 2017
Risk management practices are growing both in number and complexity in businesses, notably driven by new regulatory standards that feature risk management at their core. Although large businesses are more likely to adopt a formal, holistic approach to risk... (Read more)
Sandrine Fernez-Walch, University of Toulouse 1, France
November 2017
For firms and other organizations, innovation has become a means of anticipating and managing major changes in their external context and overcoming societal challenges such as sustainable development. As a result, they must innovate repeatedly and continu... (Read more)
Joëlle Forest, National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon, France
November 2017
The starting point of this book is simple: the increasing number of devices devoted to innovation in France does not produce the expected effects. How then can we go beyond the injunction to innovate and develop a more effective and dynamic capability to f... (Read more)
New Practices and New Policy Issues
Rémi Lallement, France Strategie, France
October 2017
The use of intellectual property rights is seeing unparalleled success across the world, yet this success is paradoxical and is often out of line with modern-day needs for innovation protection. This is demonstrated by the proliferation of litigious patent... (Read more)
Nabyla Daidj, Telecom Business School (Télécom Ecole de Management), France
October 2017
There are many books and academic articles on cooperation in relation to innovation – and to a lesser extent on coopetition. This book is not intended to extend this already long list of academic works and textbooks. Cooperation is a multidimensional phe... (Read more)
Prompting or Restricting Innovation?
Marc Baudry, University of Paris-Nanterre, France
Béatrice Dumont, Sorbonne Paris Cité, France
October 2017
The patent system is criticized today by some practitioners and economists. In fact, there is a partial disconnection between patent demographics and productivity gains, but also the development of actors who do not innovate and who develop business models... (Read more)
Blandine Laperche, University of the Littoral Opal Coast, France
October 2017
Thoroughly grounded in an extensive body of international research and analysis, this book investigates the concepts surrounding a firm’s knowledge capital. These concepts play an integral part in the evolution of economic and managerial thinking, partic... (Read more)
Smaïl Aït-El-Hadj, ITECH-University of Lyon, France
September 2017
The high level of innovation currently transforming our society and its technological dynamics can be seen as a second wave of innovation of the third technological system, which emerged in the late 1970s. This book discusses the concept of technologica... (Read more)
Bernard Guilhon, SKEMA Business School, France
September 2017
“We do not know where Silicon Valley is really located”, Feldman writes, because these types of organization, when they are dynamic, are moving and fluid. Innovation and production ecosystems or clusters are proliferating today because they seem to be... (Read more)
The Future and Changing Paradigms
Pierre Massotte, Consultant
September 2017
This book, the second of two volumes dedicated to ethics in social networking and business, presents the future and changing paradigms related to ethics and morality in our interconnected society. This volume analyzes advanced topics, including new tech... (Read more)
An Integrated Approach
Satoshi Sugahara, Kwansei Gakuin University (KGU), Japan
Nabyla Daidj, Telecom Business School, France
Sumitaka Ushio, Chuo University, Japan
September 2017
This book explores two combined approaches (strategy and accounting) from a cross-disciplinary perspective in order to improve knowledge of value creation in various contexts. Existing studies on this topic have generally adopted a purely account-based... (Read more)
Theory, Practice and Current Recommendations
Pierre Massotte, Consultant
August 2017
This book, the first of two volumes dedicated to ethics in social networking and business, presents the notions, theories and practical aspects related to ethics, morale and deontology in our society. Through a series of discussions and examples on topi... (Read more)
An Ill-defined Object
Danièle Chauvel, SKEMA, France
Stefano Borzillo, Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne, HES-SO // University of Applied Sciences Western, Switzerland
July 2017
The concept of innovation is the result of human activities carried out to produce a new product, service or something new that creates value. More recently, the idea of an innovative enterprise, organization or company has emerged, thanks to an increasing... (Read more)
A Report to the Club of Rome EU-Chapter
Patrick Corsi, Consultant
July 2017
Growth is a dominant economic driver accounting for the wealth of nations and organizations alike. However, in the face of environmental pressures, widespread social and economic imbalance, and the reigning climate of uncertainty we are experiencing today,... (Read more)
Pierre Massotte, Consultant
Patrick Corsi, Consultant
June 2017
Faced with ever-increasing complexity on a daily basis, the decision-makers of today are struggling to find the appropriate models, methods and tools to face the issues arising in complex systems across all levels of global operations. Having, in the pa... (Read more)
Smart Innovation Set - Volume 10
Thomas Michaud, Consultant
June 2017
Fantasy and science fiction are both involved in the process of innovation in techno-scientific societies. Long regarded as a hindrance to rationality, and to science, science fiction has become the object of praise in recent decades. Innovative organi... (Read more)
Entrepreneurs and Enterprises in a Turbulent World
Edited by
Dimitri Uzunidis, University of Lille, France
Pierre Saulais, Consultant, France
May 2017
In an uncertain economy where business risk is high, innovation is at the heart of business. To understand the process of innovation, from the design and development of new products to the price of the creative dimension of the individual, studying the ... (Read more)
Aude d’Andria, University of Évry Val d'Essonne, France
Inés Gabarret, ESSCA School of Management, France
May 2017
Entrepreneurship develops around the world in accordance to the different cultural, political, economic and social contexts. Governments promote entrepreneurship as a way to improve economic growth. As capitalism changes, entrepreneurship also change... (Read more)
Diverse and Global Perspectives on Value Creation Set – Volume 1
Mercedes Medina, University of Navarra, Spain
Mónica Herrero, University of Navarra, Spain
Alicia Urgellés, University of Navarra, Spain
February 2017
This book focuses on the challenges of competition in television broadcasting markets. The issues that arise with the transforming audiovisual industry are observed with a focus on audiences and consumers. The ideas collected here are the result of years o... (Read more)
Smart Innovation Set – Volume 9
Didier Lebert and Hafida El Younsi, University Paris-Saclay, France
February 2017
This book studies the dynamics of international industrial and technological specializations over the past 40 years by primarily focusing on two key structural analysis frameworks: the social network analysis and the economic dominance theory. Internati... (Read more)
Ludivine Chalençon, Université Jean Moulin Lyon, France
February 2017
The globalization of markets and changes in the economic environment are prompting companies to accelerate their international expansion through mergers and acquisitions. The research presented in this book is based on a sample of 395 mergers and acquisiti... (Read more)
The Use of Games in the Workplace
Emmanuelle Savignac, EHESS, France
January 2017
Working organizations regularly use games for their training activities or communications in the workplace. The increasing use of serious games by businesses cannot obscure the use, for several decades, of “situation” games: role-playing, simulation an... (Read more)
Smart Innovation Set – Volume 8
Sophie Boutillier, University of Littoral Côte d’Opale, France
Dimitri Uzunidis, University of Lille, France
December 2016
The concept of the entrepreneur as a driver of innovation and a creator of wealth and employment has evolved over centuries, through theories which are outlined in this book and analyzed within their historical context. Economists such as Cantillon, Say... (Read more)
Patricia Bouvard and Hervé Suzanne, Horizon Performance Conseil
November 2016
Diversity in business has always been a source of both benefits and challenges: “This person definitely has some good ideas, but I cannot work with them – they never see things in the same way!”. Evidently, the expression of egos and of individual... (Read more)
Smart Innovation Set - Volume 7
Fabienne Picard, University Bourgogne Franche-Comté – UTBM Belfort, France
Corinne Tanguy, University Bourgogne Franche-Comté – AgroSup Dijon, France
October 2016
This book aims to present a systemic perspective on the techno-ecologic transition to a decarbonated society. The transition towards a low-carbon society is currently an important political, technological, economical and social issue. This transition impli... (Read more)
Conventional Banks Vs Islamic Banks
Faten Ben Bouheni, ISC Business School, Paris, France
Chantal Ammi, TELECOM Business School, Paris, France
Aldo Levy, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), Paris, France
September 2016
Development of emerging countries is often enabled through non-conventional finance. Indeed, the prohibition of interest and some other impediments require understanding conventional finance and Islamic finance, which both seek to be ethical and socially r... (Read more)
Claudine Guerrier, Institut Mines-Télécom, Paris, France
August 2016
“The state, that must eradicate all feelings of insecurity, even potential ones, has been caught in a spiral of exception, suspicion and oppression that may lead to a complete disappearance of liberties.” (Mireille Delmas Marty, Libertés et sûreté d... (Read more)
Interaction, Collaboration, Openness
Pierre Barbaroux, French Air Force Research Centre
Amel Attour, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France
Eric Schenk, National Institute of Applied Sciences, Strasbourg, France
July 2016
This book explores the relationships between knowledge management (KM) processes and innovation management. The geographical extension of markets and intensification of competition have led firms to experiment with novel approaches to innovation. New or... (Read more)
Innovative User
Laure Morel, University of Lorraine, France
Serge Le Roux, University Lille-Nord, France
June 2016
The digital economy is now expanding rapidly, and is starting to overturn the past achievements of the Industrial Revolution. Initially engaging in the world of services, it is now turning to the manufacture of objects. Just as microcomputing evolved from ... (Read more)
Smart Innovation Set - Volume 4
Delphine Gallaud, AgroSup Dijon, France
Blandine Laperche, University Littoral-Côte d’Opale, France
May 2016
In contrast to the linear “take-make-dispose” model of resource consumption, a new industrial model is proposed in the form of a circular economy. This model aims to optimize the use of resources and to reduce or eliminate waste, and is based on re-use... (Read more)
Acquisition Probability
Hicham Meghouar, National School of Commerce and Management of Settat, Morocco
April 2016
The term “takeover”, of which the first form is mergers and acquisitions (M&A), refers to the transfer of control of a business from one group of shareholders to another. Considering the importance of this issue and the real drives behind takeovers, it... (Read more)
Jean-Louis Monino, Montpellier University, France
Soraya Sedkaoui, Khemis Miliana University, Algeria
March 2016
This book highlights the challenges of Big Data, focusing on the integration and valorization of data in enterprises. It addresses the issue of data recovery in a highly competitive environment and presents a topic involving several fields (Big Data, Open ... (Read more)
Patrick Corsi, Consultant
Dominique Morin, Safran Group, Paris, France
December 2015
This book aims to extract the “molecular genes” leading to craziness! Geniuses are the ones who are “crazy enough to think they can change the world” and boldly go where no one has gone before. Where no past habit and usage are available, there is ... (Read more)
Levers for Strategic Renewal
Bénédicte Faivre-Tavignot, HEC Paris, France
December 2015
This book analyzes how social business and base of the pyramid approaches allow companies to reinvent themselves, or in other words how they are the levers for strategic renewal. It highlights the constraints and possible difficulties encountered in the... (Read more)
Work Practices and Technological Uses under Uncertainty
Cécile Godé, University Lumière Lyon 2, France
December 2015
The development and coordination of managerial devices to help businesses cope with the numerous challenges they face have been the subject of many empirical analyses in recent years. This books draws from these studies to answer the question of how to co... (Read more)
Vanessa Casadella, IUT de l’Oise, France
Zeting Liu, University of Lille, France
Dimitri Uzunidis, University of Lille, France
October 2015
The Smart Innovation set presents topics linked to the technological, entrepreneurial, territorial and economic dynamics of innovation. It favors innovating approaches of actors who, through their behaviors, strategies and policies of smart innovation, mod... (Read more)
Pierre Massotte, Consultant
Patrick Corsi, Consultant
October 2015
The second of two books making up a comprehensive treatise on sustainability for a variety of academic and executive readers in all walks of post-modern activities. Following on from the first book, in which the authors discuss the mechanisms underlying... (Read more)
Arnaud Clément-Grandcourt, Consultant
Hervé Fraysse, Consultant
September 2015
This book presents a crisis scenario generator with black swans, black butterflies and worst case scenarios. It is the most useful scenario generator that can be used to manage assets in a crisis-prone period as it gives more reliable values for Value at R... (Read more)
Marine Corlosquet-Habart, University of West Brittany, Brest, France
William Gehin, Consultant
Jacques Janssen, Solvay Business School, Brussels, Belgium
Raimondo Manca, University of Roma, Italy
August 2015
In the current financial climate, Asset and Liability Management (ALM) has become a cornerstone of Risk Management for banks and insurance companies. ALM constitutes a continuous management process that supplies financial strategies to firms for management... (Read more)
Underpinning Technologies
Pierre Massotte, Consultant
Patrick Corsi, Consultant
August 2015
This book discusses the key concepts that underpin the drive towards global sustainability in today’s complex world. Based around the notion of transformative research, the authors propose novel social, economic and political concepts to favor new para... (Read more)
Pierre Maillard, Consultant
June 2015
Today, innovation is at the heart of the societal issues of our civilization. All of our hopes of being able to find solutions to solve our problems, or satisfy our ambitions, rest on innovation. However, paradoxically, innovation is destabilizing, beco... (Read more)
Patrick Corsi, Consultant
Erwan Neau, AONOV Innovation, Angers, France
May 2015
This book explores innovation capability in industry by studying the principles of the maturity levels that apply when operationalizing innovation. In four parts, the authors provide a methodological guide, with methods and tools to be applied to businesse... (Read more)
Jean Dubé, Laval University, Canada
Diègo Legros, University of Burgundy, France
September 2014
This book puts special emphasis on spatial data compilation and the structuring of connections between the observations. Descriptive analysis methods of spatial data are presented in order to identify and measure the global and local spatial autocorrelatio... (Read more)
Anticipation for Decision-making
Humbert Lesca, Pierre Mendés-France University, Grenoble, France
Nicolas Lesca, Claude Bernard University, Lyon, France
April 2014
The study of the exploitation of weak signals in organizational strategy is a tricky business, and one which has only been practiced in organizations surprisingly recently. The concepts involved are relatively numerous, and the definitions given for such c... (Read more)
FOCUS Series in Finance, Business and Management
Marine Habart-Corlosquet, University of West Brittany, Brest, France
Jacques Janssen, Solvay Business School, Brussels, Belgium
Raimondo Manca, University of Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy
April 2013
With the impact of the recent financial crises, more attention must be given to new models in finance rejecting “Black-Scholes-Samuelson” assumptions leading to what is called non-Gaussian finance. With the growing importance of Solvency II, Basel II a... (Read more)
Jean-Charles Pomerol, UPMC, France
August 2012
Making a decision, of any importance, is never simple. On the one hand, specialists in decision theory do not come within the reach of most policy makers and, secondly, there are very few books on pragmatic decision that are not purely anecdotal. In additi... (Read more)
Edited by
Christian Szylar, Marshall Wace LLP
June 2012
The goal of this Handbook on UCITS is to provide a one-stop source for investors and asset managers, service providers, students, researchers, and practitioners to learn the necessary knowledge and analytical skills they need when setting up, managing and ... (Read more)
Eunika Mercier-Laurent, IAE Lyon, France
October 2011
The capacity to innovate is a fundamental resource for organizations as well as the true wealth of a society. To contribute fully to the prosperity of an organization, region or country, the innovation process - which is not only technology-based - require... (Read more)
Anticipation Tool for Managers
Humbert Lesca, Pierre Mendès France University, Grenoble, France
Nicolas Lesca, Claude Bernard University, Lyon, France
September 2011
The expression: "We did not see it coming!" has often been heard in recent years from decision makers at the highest levels of responsibility in the private and public sectors. Yet there were actually early (warning) signals, but they were often ignored or... (Read more)
Edited by
Nicolas Lesca, IAE, Université Pierre Mendès France, Grenoble, France
May 2011
This book explores the relationship between strategic scanning and sustainable development. It questions the utility, characteristics and implementation of sustainable scanning, in other words orientated towards sustainable development. The first six ch... (Read more)
New Challenges for the Fund industry
Christian Szylar, Marshall Wace LLP
April 2010
The purpose of this book is to show how asset managers, fund administrators, management companies and risk departments can satisfy the financial regulators in Europe that they have adequate risk monitoring procedures in place for the funds they manage or a... (Read more)
Jean-Marc Zaninetti, University of Orleans, France
June 2009
After the Second World War, a way of life widely adopted by many in the United States of America, based on unlimited consumption of land, goods and energy, was seen as a model for the entire world. Nowadays, this expansionist model is reaching its limit. ... (Read more)
Evaluation and Impact on Performance
Corine Cohen, International University of Monaco
May 2009
Effective Strategic Intelligence (SI) is vital for organizations in an international context of instability, complexity and intense competition. Following a long process of qualitative, quantitative and empirical research next to SI experts and large co... (Read more)
Driving Innovations for Non-Marketers
Patrick Corsi, KINNSYS, Brussels, Belgium
Mike Dulieu, Ashcroft Associates, London, UK
November 2008
This book provides the basic models applicable to, and the applicable methods for, the profitable use and marketing of advanced technology. It provides a guide to developing and administering marketing plans, conducting market research, searching for and m... (Read more)
The Impact of Globalization
Edited by
Sam Dzever, Institut National des Télécommunications, Evry, France
Jacques Jaussaud, IAE – Université de Pau, France
Bernadette Andreosso-O’Callaghan, Univeristy of Limerick, Ireland
November 2008
This edited collection represents a selection of the papers presented at the 13th annual Euro-Asia Research Conference held on June 1 and 2, 2007 at the National University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan. The focus of the book, as the title suggests, provides... (Read more)
Edited by
Chantal Ammi, INT Evry, France
March 2007
Globalization is a leading force for industry worldwide, especially the new technology sector. This presents both problems and opportunities in the emergence of a new type of consumer and the effects of globalization on industry in terms of culture, econom... (Read more)
the power of intangible networks
Edited by
Patrick Corsi, KINNSYS, Brussels, Belgium
Hervé Christofol, Angers University, France
Simon Richir, ENSAM, Angers, France
Henri Samier, ISTIA Innovation, Angers, France
October 2006
This title explores the issue of innovation engineering, a feature that is essential to the continuation of growth and development in the commercial world. The book is divided into three parts: Part I discusses the historical basis of innovation, noting th... (Read more)
Edited by
Imed Boughzala, Institut National des Télécommunications, Evry, France
Jean-Louis Ermine, Institut National des Télécommunications, Evry, France
March 2006
Knowledge Management (KM) encompasses a wide range of tools and methods that are at the heart of the information and communication society and provide solutions that rely as much on organization as on technology. This title brings together contribution... (Read more)
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