Cooperation, Coopetition and Innovation

Volume 3 – Innovation and Technology SET Coordinated by Chantal Ammi

Cooperation, Coopetition and Innovation

Nabyla Daidj, Telecom Business School (Télécom Ecole de Management), France

ISBN : 9781786300775

Publication Date : October 2017

Hardcover 266 pp

120.00 USD



There are many books and academic articles on cooperation in relation to innovation – and to a lesser extent on coopetition. This book is not intended to extend this already long list of academic works and textbooks. Cooperation is a multidimensional phenomenon which can be approached from several angles and which requires the decompartmentalization of disciplines, notably that of economics and management sciences.

The aim of this book is to show, through different theoretical corpuses borrowed from the industrial economy, the international economy, as well as from strategic management, the various possible approaches to analyzing the concept of cooperation. This review of the literature shows the complexity of the cooperative phenomenon, from its emergence several decades ago up to the most recent developments in the 2000s, including coopetitive practices, platforms and new forms of inter-organizational networks (business ecosystems).


1. From Traditional Forms of Cooperation Toward New Collaborative Practices.
2. Cooperation and Transaction Costs Theory.
3. Cooperation, Open Innovation and Property Rights.
4. Agency Theory and Strategic Alliances.
5. Strategic Alliances in R&D and Market Power.
6. From Cooperation to Coopetition.
7. Theoretical Principles of Inter-firm Cooperation: RBV Approach.
8. Firm Multinationalization, Cooperation and Territorialized Inter-organizational Networks.
9. Evolution of Strategic Alliances in the Context of Digital Transformation.

About the authors/editors

Nabyla Daidj is a Lecturer and Researcher in strategic management at Telecom Business School (Télécom Ecole de Management) in France. She has published a number of books and articles in various journals (Leadership, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Media Economics and Journal of High Technology Management Research).