Discovery, Evolution and Diversity of Archaea
Edited by
Béatrice Clouet-d’Orval, Center for Integrative Biology, Toulouse, France.
Bruno Franzetti, CNRS, France.
Philippe Oger, CNRS, France.
February 2025
Archaea constitute a new branch of life alongside bacteria and eukaryotes. These microorganisms are unique in their cellular and molecular aspects. They have evolutionary links with the first eukaryotic cells and are now being used to elucidate fundamental... (Read more)
Edited by
Georges Pelletier, INRAE, France.
November 2024
The domestication of plants, animals and microorganisms has enabled the development of agriculture, animal husbandry, the processing of their products and, ultimately, civilizations. The species concerned by domestication, the regions of the world where... (Read more)
Chromosome Sentinels
Edited by
Carole Saintomé, Sorbonne Université, France
July 2024
Telomeres are specialized DNA–protein structures that protect the ends of chromosomes to maintain their integrity. They are chromosome sentinels. This book, written by multiple authors, presents current knowledge and the most recent discoveries relating ... (Read more)
Edited by
Guy-Franck Richard, Institut Pasteur, France.
January 2024
The genome of a living being is composed of DNA sequences with diverse origins. Beyond single-copy genes, whose product has a biological function that can be inferred by experimentation, certain DNA sequences, present in a large number of copies, escape th... (Read more)
Edited by
Ernesto Di Mauro, Académie Européenne Interdisciplinaire of Sciences, France.
January 2024
Origin of Life studies have a nearly-impossible goal: understanding nature through the comprehension of its origins and its complexities. As a growing field with poorly-defined borders, Origin of Life studies profit from progress in other disciplines. T... (Read more)
The Ethics and Politics of Animal Lives
Edited by
Florence Burgat, INRAE and ENS, France
Emilie Dardenne, University of Rennes 2, France
September 2023
This interdisciplinary volume deals with the most painful situations encountered by animals in the wild or under human guardianship. It seeks to illustrate some remarkable cases and present a general picture of the commodification of animals. This volu... (Read more)
Productivity and Carbon Cycling in Aquatic Ecosystems
Edited by
Stephen Christopher Maberly, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH), United Kingdom
Brigitte Gontero, CNRS - BIP, France
June 2022
This book describes the mechanisms that allow aquatic photosynthetic organisms to contribute about half of the global primary productivity; in order to mitigate climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide and producing oxygen, they transform the original... (Read more)
A Sustainable Resource for Open Science
Edited by
Roseli Pellens, Institute of Systematics, Evolution and Biodiversity, France
January 2022
Natural history collections have recently acquired an unprecedented place of importance in scientific research. Originally created in the context of systematics and taxonomy, they are now proving to be fundamental for answering various scientific and socie... (Read more)
Living Beings and Morphology
Edited by
Georges Chapouthier, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), France
Marie-Christine Maurel, Sorbonne University, France
May 2021
One of the essential characteristics of living beings is the explosion of variety in their forms that is intrinsically linked to the diversity of the environments they have adapted to. This book, the result of collaboration between international special... (Read more)
Edited by
María Carla Saleh, Institut Pasteur, France
Félix Augusto Rey, Institut Pasteur, France
May 2021
Viruses interact with all forms of life and have shaped evolution for 4 billion years. The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the importance of conducting scientific research into viruses to understand the interactions between them and their hosts. Virology i... (Read more)
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