Cybersecurity in Humanities and Social Sciences

A Research Methods Approach

Volume 1 - Cybersecurity SET Coordinated by Daniel Ventre

Cybersecurity in Humanities and Social Sciences

Edited by

Hugo Loiseau, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
Daniel Ventre, CESDIP (Centre de Recherche sur le Droit et les Institutions Pénales) Laboratory, France
Hartmut Aden, Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany

ISBN : 9781786305398

Publication Date : November 2020

Hardcover 238 pp

165.00 USD



The question of using research methods from the humanities and social sciences to investigate cybersecurity currently remains unexplored. For these disciplines, this new, complex and multifaceted phenomenon can be considered from a variety of complementary viewpoints, giving political, strategic, military, economic and legal readings, among many others. This raises the question of which research methods to use to appropriately analyze the causes and consequences, both human and material, of cybersecurity.

What methods should be used for the study of cybersecurity? Should these traditional methods of research be adapted to the reality of cyberspace? Is cybersecurity relevant to all humanities and social sciences disciplines? How do we define the subject of cybersecurity for it to be treated analytically by the humanities and social sciences methods? What added value can the humanities and social sciences bring to the study of cybersecurity in a multidisciplinary setting? All of these questions are discussed in this book.


1. The “Science” of Cybersecurity in the Human and Social Sciences: Issues and Reflections, Hugo Loiseau.
2. Definitions, Typologies, Taxonomies and Ontologies of Cybersecurity, Daniel Ventre.
3. Cybersecurity and Data Protection – Research Strategies and Limitations in a Legal and Public Policy Perspective, Hartmut Aden.
4. Researching State-sponsored Cyber-espionage, Joseph Fitsanakis.
5. Moving from Uncertainty to Risk: The Case of Cyber Risk, Michel Dacorogna and Marie Kratz.
6. Qualitative Document Analysis for Cybersecurity and Information Warfare Research, Brett Van Niekerk and Trishana Ramluckan.
7. Anti-feminist Cyber-violence as a Risk Factor: Analysis of Cybersecurity Issues for Feminist Activists in France, Elena Waldispuehl.

About the authors/editors

Hugo Loiseau received his PhD in Political Science from Université Laval, Canada. He is a Full Professor at l’École de politique appliquée at l’Université de Sherbrooke, Canada. His research specializes in qualitative methods in the humanities and social sciences in cyberspace.

Daniel Ventre received his PhD in Political Science from the Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France. He is a researcher at CESDIP (Centre de Recherche sur le Droit et les Institutions Pénales) Laboratory, France. His research focuses on cybersecurity and cyber defense policies and theories.

Hartmut Aden is Professor of European and German Public Law, Public Policy and Public Administration at the Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany. His research covers topics related to policing and security, human rights and data protection.