Transformation of Collective Intelligences

Perspective of Transhumanism

Volume 2 – Intellectual Technologies SET Coordinated by Jean-Max Noyer and Maryse Carmès

Transformation of Collective Intelligences

Jean-Max Noyer, University of Toulon, France

ISBN : 9781848219106

Publication Date : November 2016

Hardcover 250 pp

115 USD



The production of knowledge and intelligibility is undergoing a great transformation. The “digital fold of the world” (with the convergence of Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology and Cognitive Science, known as NBIC) affects the collective assemblages of thought and of research, which give rise to controversial issues concerning performative science and performative society. This ongoing transformation is manifested in many forms; the compelling rise of algorithms, distributed cognition, new cartographic practices and the emergence of a new encyclopedism, which consists of whole communities of work in the form of texts, objects and hybrids.

In this book, the author proposes to show how these collective intelligences relate to the coupling of ontological horizons and of the process of bio-technical maturation. The most salient characteristics of the current transformation are first described and differentiated, before a synthesis of trans- and post-humanist narratives in the perspective of the cerebralization of the human species. Finally, the modern definition of encyclopedism is questioned and explored, before an analysis of the main writing apparatuses affecting the conditions of the production and circulation of knowledge.


1. Elements of the General Configuration and Adaptive Landscape of Collective Intelligences.
2. Post-and Transhumanist Horizons.
3. Fragmented Encyclopedism.

About the authors/editors

Jean-Max Noyer is Professor of Universities and researcher at the University of Toulon and University Paris 8 in France. He is also a consultant ( and co-founder of the ARCHIVESIC open archive. His research interests include strategic and geopolitical issues of digital technologies and assemblages, philosophy and anthropology of science and technology, digital humanities and Big Data, data mining and Open Data, and new organizational forms and the changing of labor processes.