The governance of seas and oceans, defined as all of the forms of participation of society in decision-making concerning the marine environment, is mainly seen here from a legal point of view with the law of the sea as the main driver. This book presents the main aspects of maritime law and the history of its construction. The use of living resources, minerals and marine energy reserves, marine activities, disturbances of marine ecosystems by an increasing shipping traffic, are taken into account.
The legal or socio-economic issues linked to the development of renewable marine energies or to the setting up of marine protected areas are also discussed. Within the framework of globalization, the implementation of an integrated management of seas and coastal zones is analyzed by underlining the interest in the involvement of maritime communities to ensure the durability of ocean activities.
The Seas and Oceans Set proposes a cross-disciplinary approach of the ocean system which leads to the governance and management of marine spaces and resources and to the adaptation of societies.
1. Transformations in International Law of the Sea: Governance of the “Space” or “Resources”?, Florence Galletti.
2. The Governance of the International Shipping Traffic by Maritime Law, Cécile De Cet Bertin and Arnaud Montas.
3. Marine Pollution: Introduction to International Law on Pollution Caused by Ships, Véronique Labrot.
4. Management and Sustainable Exploitation of Marine Living Resources, Annie Cudennec and Olivier Curtil.
5. Marine Renewable Energies: Main Legal Issues, Nicolas Boillet and Gaëlle Gueguen-Hallouet.
6. Socio-economic Evaluation of Marine Protected Areas, Frédérique Alban, Jean Boncoeur and Jean-Baptiste Marre.
7. Integrated Management of Seas and coastal areas in the Age of Globalization, Yves Henocque and Bernard Kalaora.
8. Ocean Industry Leadership and Collaboration in Sustainable Development of the Seas, Paul Holthus.
André Monaco is Emeritus Director of Research for the French national center (CNRS). His research interests concern marine sedimentology and geochemistry. He was responsible for several French and European programs and has been guest editor for four special issues in international journals.
Patrick Prouzet is Director of Research focusing on the ecosystem approach of Ifremer in France. He specializes in the biology and dynamics of anadromous fish such as Atlantic salmon and eels. He is the author and co-author of several works on these species or on estuary fishing.