Games with a Purpose (GWAPs)

FOCUS Series in Cognitive Science and Knowledge Management

Games with a Purpose (GWAPs)

Mathieu Lafourcade, University of Montpellier, France
Nathalie Le Brun, Consultant
Alain Joubert, IUT in Montpellier, France

ISBN : 9781848218031

Publication Date : July 2015

Hardcover 158 pp

95.00 USD



Games with a Purpose (GWAPs) make it possible to collect data or solve problems that are too complex or too costly in terms of means to be solved by machines.These fun activities, which represent a type of serious gaming, are delicate to design since they must be both appealing and useful.

This book presents and analyzes GWAPs with specific themes (biology, medicine, automatic language processing, etc.). It develops, more particularly, the project JeuxDeMots, a set of GWAPs, the objective of which is to construct a large lexical knowledge base with the help of games. The study of these different concepts allows us to define the criteria that are important to favor during the design of a GWAP in order to create an efficient tool for the acquisition of useable data or the resolution of problems.


1. Biological Games.
2. Games with a Medical Purpose.
3. GWAPs for Natural Language Processing.
4. Unclassifiable GWAPs.
5. The JeuxDeMots Project – GWAPs and Words.

About the authors/editors

Mathieu Lafourcade is a researcher and teacher in computer science, language processing and artificial intelligence. He is head of the TEXTE team of LIRMM, University of Montpellier, France.

Nathalie Le Brun is a doctor in biology, a graphic designer and an expert in serious gaming and GWAPs.

Alain Joubert is a doctor in astrophysics and a researcher in the TEXTE team at LIRMM. He teaches computer science at the IUT in Montpellier, France.

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