Everything engineers need to know about mechanical vibration and shock...in one authoritative reference work!
This fully updated and revised 3rd edition addresses the entire field of mechanical vibration and shock as one of the most important types of load and stress applied to structures, machines and components in the real world. Examples include everything from the regular and predictable loads applied to turbines, motors or helicopters by the spinning of their constituent parts to the ability of buildings to withstand damage from wind loads or explosions, and the need for cars to maintain structural integrity in the event of a crash. There are detailed examinations of underlying theory, models developed for specific applications, performance of materials under test conditions and in real-world settings, and case studies and discussions of how the relationships between these affect design for actual products.
Invaluable to engineers specializing in mechanical, aeronautical, civil, electrical and transportation engineering, this reference work, in five volumes is a crucial resource for the solution of shock and vibration problems.
This volume considers the shock response spectrum, its various definitions, its properties, and the assumptions involved in its calculation. In developing the practical application of these concepts, the shock shapes or profiles most often used with test facilities are presented, together with their characteristics and indications of how to establish test configurations comparable with those in the real-world, measured environment. Following this analysis is a casestudy of how to meets specifications using standard laboratory equipment, shock machines, electrodynamic exciters driven by a time signal or a response spectrum. Discussion of the limitations, advantages and disadvantages of each method is presented.
1. Shock Analysis.
2. Shock Response Spectrum.
3. Properties of Shock Response Spectra.
4. Development of Shock Test Specifications.
5. Kinematics of Simple Shocks.
6. Standard Shock Machines.
7. Generation of Shocks Using Shakers.
8. Control of a Shaker using a Shock Response Spectrum.
9. Simulation of Pyroshocks.
Christian Lalanne is a Consultant Engineer who previously worked as an expert at the French Atomic Energy Authority and who has specialized in the study of vibration and shock for more than 40 years. He has been associated with the new methods of drafting testing specifications and associated informatic tools.