Decision-making Process

Concepts and Methods

Decision-making Process

Edited by

Denis Bouyssou, CNRS, LAMSADE, UMR7024, Paris Dauphine University, France.
Marc Pirlot, Faculté Polytechnique de Mons, Belgium.
Didier Dubois and Henri Prade, CNRS, IRIT, UMR5505, University of Toulouse, France.

ISBN : 9781848211162

Publication Date : May 2009

Hardcover 912 pp

215.00 USD



This book gives an overview of the main results and methods in the formal study of the human decision process in the wider sense, trying to break down the barriers between the various disciplines, including psychology, economics and computer science, which have contributed to this topic in the past. It provides the reader with a state-of-the-art roadmap to the field of decision analysis.

Chapters 1 to 7 are devoted to basic notions and techniques for representing and solving decision problems, ranging from operational research to artificial intelligence. Chapters 8 to 14 propose an extensive overview of decision under risk and uncertainty. The final chapters cover various approaches to multicriteria decision-making. Each chapter is written by one or several experts in the topic concerned, and provides an extensive bibliography.


1. From Decision Theory to Decision-aiding Methodology
2. Binary Relations and Preference Modeling
3. Formal Representations of Uncertainty
4. Human Decision: Recognition Plus Reasoning
5. Multiple Objective Linear Programming
6. Constraint Satisfaction Problems
7. Logical Representation of Preferences
8. Decision under Risk: The Classical Expected Utility Model
9. Decision under Uncertainty: The Classical Models
10. Cardinal Extensions of EU Model Based on Choquet Integral
11. A Survey of Qualitative Decision Rules under Uncertainty
12. A Cognitive Approach to Human Decision Making
13. Bayesian Networks
14. Planning under Uncertainty with Markov Decision Processes
15.Multiattribute Utility Theory
16. Conjoint Measurement Models for Preference Relations
17. Aggregation Functions for Decision Making
18. Subjective Evaluation
19. Social Choice Theory and Multicriteria Decision Aiding
20. Metric and Latticial Medians

About the authors/editors

Denis Bouyssou is a Senior Researcher at CNRS, LAMSADE, UMR7024, Paris Dauphine University, France.

Marc Pirlot is Professor of Mathematics and Operational Research at Faculté Polytechnique de Mons in Belgium.

Didier Dubois and Henri Prade are Senior Researchers at CNRS, IRIT, UMR5505, University of Toulouse, France.

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