Application of Graph Rewriting to Natural Language Processing

Volume 1 - Logic, Linguistics and Computer Science SET Coordinated by Christian Retoré

Application of Graph Rewriting to Natural Language Processing

Guillaume Bonfante, University of Lorraine, France
Bruno Guillaume, Inria Nancy Grand-Est, France
Guy Perrier, University of Lorraine, France

ISBN : 9781786300966

Publication Date : April 2018

Hardcover 272 pp

145.00 USD



This book shows how graph rewriting can be used as a computational model adapted to natural language processing. Focus is placed on annotated corpora that play an increasingly important role within natural language processing and it is therefore interesting to present these annotations and their transformations within a common framework. All computations are carried out by graph rewriting. The framework gives the user the freedom to express rules based on linguistic knowledge, graph rewriting does the rest.

Currently, there is no standard model for graph rewriting and, as such, the authors have conceived one that is specifically adapted to natural language processing, proposing their own implementation: the GREW system. The tool is then used for various large-scale applications (parsing, the passage from syntactic to semantic annotation, etc.).


1. Programming with Graphs.
2. Dependency Syntax: Surface Structure and Deep Structure.
3. Graph Rewriting and Transformation of Syntactic Annotations in a Corpus.
4. From Logic to Graphs for Semantic Representation.
5. Application of Graph Rewriting to Semantic Annotation in a Corpus.
6. Parsing Using Graph Rewriting.
7. Graphs, Patterns and Rewriting.
8. Analysis of Graph Rewriting.

About the authors/editors

Guillaume Bonfante is a senior lecturer at the University of Lorraine, France.
Bruno Guillaume is a researcher at Inria Nancy Grand-Est, France.
Guy Perrier is Professor Emeritus at the University of Lorraine, France.

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