Computer-aided automatic processing of images requires the control of a series of operations, which this book analyzes. Knowing the statistical properties of images, sampling them to reduce the observable world to a series of discrete values, restoring images in order to correct degradations – all these operations are explained here, together with the mathematical tools they require. Topics covered include fractal representation, mathematical morphology, wavelet representations and the detection and description of contours and shapes.
1. Statistical Properties of Images, Henri Maître.
2. Image Sampling and Fractal Representation, Henri Maître.
3. Discrete Representations, Isabelle Bloch.
4. Image Restoration, Henri Maître.
5. Mathematical Morphology, Isabelle Bloch.
6. Markov Random Fields, Florence Tupin and Marc Sigelle.
7. Wavelets and Image Processing, Béatrice Pesquet-Popescu and Jean-Christophe Pesquet.
8. Partial Differential Equations and Image Processing, Yann Gousseau.
9. Pre-processing, Henri Maître.
10. Image Edge Detection, Henri Maître.
11. Region-based Segmentation, Henri Maître.
12. Textures, Henri Maître.
13. Description of Contours and Shapes, Henri Maître.
Henri Maître is a Professor at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications in Paris, France where he was Head of the Signal and Image Department from 1999 to 2004. His research includes work on image analysis, image understanding and computer vision, and applications in the domain of satellite and aerial image processing. Henri Maître received the engineering degree from the Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France (71), and the Docteur es Sciences degree in Physics from the University of Paris VI (82).