Phase Type Distributions

Theory and Application

Volume 2 - Stochastic Models in Computer Science and Telecommunication Networks SET by Bruno Sericola

Phase Type Distributions

András Horváth, University of Turin, Italy.
Miklós Telek, University of Technology and Economics, Hungary.

ISBN : 9781848219458

Publication Date : October 2024

Hardcover 278 pp

165.00 USD



Phase type distributions are widely applicable modeling and statistical tools for non-negative random quantities. They are built on Markov chains, which provide a simple, intuitive stochastic interpretation for their use. Phase Type Distribution starts from the Markov chain-based definition of phase type distributions and presents many interesting properties, which follow from the basic definition.

As a general family of non-negative distributions with nice analytical properties, phase type distributions can be used for approximating experimental distributions by fitting or by moments matching; and, for discrete event simulation of real word systems with stochastic timing, such as production systems, service operations, communication networks, etc. This book summarizes the up-to-date fitting, matching and simulation methods, and presents the limits of flexibility of phase type distributions of a given order.

Additionally, this book lists numerical examples that support the intuitive understanding of the analytical descriptions and software tools that handle phase type distributions.


1. Mathematical Background.
2. Continuous Phase Type Distributions.
3. Discrete Phase Type Distributions.
4. Matrix Exponential and Matrix Geometric Distributions.
5. Classes and Representations of Continuous Phase Type Distributions.
6. Moment Matching.
7. Distribution Fitting.
8. Simulation.
9. Continuous Phase Type Distribution Based Random Variables.

About the authors/editors

András Horváth is Associate Professor at the University of Turin, Italy. His research interests include analysis and optimization of stochastic models with applications in production systems, service operations, communication networks and systems biology.

Miklós Telek is a professor in the Department of Networked Systems and Services at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary, where he currently heads the Information Systems Research Group of the Hungarian Research Network. His research interests include stochastic performance modeling, analysis and optimization of computer and communication systems.