Machine Learning in Geomechanics 1

Overview of Machine Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Regression, Classification and Artificial Neural Networks

SCIENCES - Geomechanics

Machine Learning in Geomechanics 1

Edited by

Ioannis Stefanou, ECN, France.
Félix Darve, Grenoble Alpes University, France.

ISBN : 9781789451924

Publication Date : October 2024

Hardcover 258 pp

165.00 USD



Machine learning has led to incredible achievements in many different fields of science and technology. These varied methods of machine learning all offer powerful new tools to scientists and engineers and open new paths in geomechanics.

The two volumes of Machine Learning in Geomechanics aim to demystify machine learning. They present the main methods and provide examples of its applications in mechanics and geomechanics. Most of the chapters provide a pedagogical introduction to the most important methods of machine learning and uncover the fundamental notions underlying them.

Building from the simplest to the most sophisticated methods of machine learning, the books give several hands-on examples of coding to assist readers in understanding both the methods and their potential and identifying possible pitfalls.


1. Overview of Machine Learning in Geomechanics, Ioannis Stefanou.
2. Introduction to Regression Methods, Filippo Masi.
3. Unsupervised Learning: Basic Concepts and Application to Particle Dynamics, Noel Jakse.
4. Classification Techniques in Machine Learning, Noel Jakse.
5. Artificial Neural Networks: Learning the Optimum Statistical Model from Data, Filippo Gatti.

About the authors/editors

Ioannis Stefanou is Professor at ECN, France, and leads several geomechanics projects. His main research interests include mechanics, geomechanics, control, induced seismicity and machine learning.

Félix Darve is Emeritus Professor at the Soils Solids Structures Risks (3SR) laboratory, Grenoble-INP, Grenoble Alpes University, France. His research focuses on computational geomechanics.

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