Fifty Years of Evolution in Biological Research

Progress and Decline

Fifty Years of Evolution in Biological Research

Jacques Balthazart, University of Liège, Belgium.

ISBN : 9781786308788

Publication Date : October 2023

Hardcover 176 pp

165.00 USD



Research in biology and all basic sciences has undergone profound transformations in recent decades. We have seen the development of extremely sophisticated techniques, allowing us to study, in an objective manner, questions that were still considered science fiction at the end of the 20th century. All of this has allowed us to develop an in-depth knowledge of vast subjects, such as the biology of the brain, for example.

Fifty Years of Evolution in Biological Research presents a panorama of these different technical advances. However, at the same time, there has been an increase in the number of constraints on researchers, a monetization of research and a correlative pressure to continually publish in more prestigious journals. This has resulted in a certain degradation of the quality of research activity. This book analyzes this evolution and proposes solutions.


1. The Evolution of Techniques.
2. The Profound Modification of Research Conditions.
3. The Computer and its Consequences in Terms of Work.
4. The Development of Publishing Giants and Open Access.
5. The Invention of Journal Impact Factors.
6. The Race to Publish and the Inadequate Methods of Evaluating Researchers.
7. The Consequences: An Overall Deterioration of Research Quality.
8. The Scientific Community’s Fight Against these Aberrations.
9. Essential Modifications.
10. The Loss of Confidence in Science and the Return of the Irrational.
11. The Solution(s).

About the authors/editors

Jacques Balthazart is a biologist at the University of Liège, Belgium, who specializes in the control of reproductive behavior by sex hormones. He is the author of more than 500 scientific publications and several books of universal appeal dealing with sexual differences in behavior between men and women.

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