Prevention of the Biological Contamination of Food

Processing/Distribution and Consumer Usage

SCIENCES - Food Safety

Prevention of the Biological Contamination of Food

Edited by

Thierry Bénézech, INRAE, France
Christine Faille, INRAE, France

ISBN : 9781789451252

Publication Date : July 2024

Hardcover 386 pp

165.00 USD



This book deals with risk management by focusing on microbiological risks. Throughout the food chain, foodstuff may be exposed to dangerous agents that can potentially affect its quality and thus the health of consumers.

A good knowledge of the strategies and means of control implemented along the food chain after the primary production stage is a necessary condition and a prerequisite for any further improvement, but it is not sufficient. Indeed, in order to better prevent and therefore control these risks, it is essential to study both the phenomena of surface contamination and those relating to the elimination of this contamination by cleaning and disinfection operations in order to know the main mechanisms.

Thanks to this, a certain number of innovations can already be proposed (new surfaces, new materials and cleaning and disinfection procedures, etc.) for future developments on an industrial or domestic scale.


1. Cross-contamination of Food by Contaminated Surfaces, Graziella Midelet, Thomas Brauge and Christine Faille.
2. Implementation of HACCP – Surface Hygiene, Nadia Oulahal, Sylvie Perret and Denis Bornua.
3. Commercial Methods for the Detection of Surface Bacterial Contamination in the Food Industry, Thomas Brauge, Christine Faille and Graziella Midelet.
4. Metals and Alloys in Food Environments, Audrey Allion-Maurer.
5. Role of Surfaces and Microbial Phenomenon, Anthony J. Slate, Joels S. T. Wilson-Nieuwenhuis, Joshua H. Spall and Kathryn A. Whitehead.
6. Hygienic Design – Factory, John Holah.
7. Hygienic Design of Processing Lines, Franck Moerman and John Holah.
8. Hygienic Design – Consequences on Surface Contamination and Cleaning, Thierry Bénézech and Christine Faille.
9. Cleaning Operations – State of the Art, Hein Timmerman.
10. Novel Cleaning Methods, Heni Dallagi, Piyush Kumar Jha, Christine Faille and Thierry Bénézech.
11. Surface Disinfection – State of the Art , Susana Fernandes, Isabel Oliveira, Inês B. Gomes and Manuel Simöes.
12. Surface Disinfection – New Approaches, Isabel Oliveira, Susana Fernandes, Manuel Simöes and Inês B. Gomes.
13. Food Safety in Supply Chains, Marc Mauermann, Andre Boye, Max Hesse, Enrico Fuchs, Roman Murcek, Vincent Eisenrauch, Tilman Klaeger and Jialiang Yin.
14. Food Safety Risk Prevention at the Consumer Level, Gyula Kasza and Tekla Izso.

About the authors/editors

Thierry Bénézech is research director at INRAE. His research areas include hygienic engineering, hygienic design of food equipment, cleaning operation improvement and strategies to mitigate related environmental impacts.

Christine Faille is research director at INRAE and is the leader of a research team specialized in phenomena occurring at interfaces between bacteria (spores and biofilms) and materials in the food sector.