Computational Color Science

Variational Retinex-like Methods

Computational Color Science

Edoardo Provenzi, Paris Descartes University, France

ISBN : 9781786301598

Publication Date : March 2017

Softcover 142 pp

120.00 USD



Color is a sensation generated both by the interaction of the visual sensors in the eyes with the natural environment and by the elaboration of visual information by higher brain functions.
This book presents the mathematical framework needed to deal with several models of color processing of digital images.
The book starts with a short yet exhaustive introduction to the basic phenomenological features of color vision, which are constantly used throughout the book.
The discussion of computational issues starts with color constancy, which is dealt with in a rigorous and self-contained mathematical setting. Then, the original Retinex model and its numerous variants are introduced and analyzed with direct discrete equations.
The remainder of the book is dedicated to the variational analysis of Retinex-like models, contextualizing their action with respect to contrast enhancement.


1. Rudiments of Human Visual System (HVS) Features.
2. Computational Color Constancy Algorithms.
3. Retinex-like Algorithms for Color Image Processing.
4. Variational Formulation of Histogram Equalization.
5. Perceptually-inspired Variational Models for Color Enhancement in the RGB Space.

About the authors/editors

Edoardo Provenzi is Associate Professor at the Paris Descartes University in France. His main research interest is theoretical and applied color image science.