This book focuses on the use of fundamental concepts in the treatment of deterministic signals. Each chapter presents the basic principles of the different aspect of the study of Fourier analysis, followed by a series of exercises for the reader to try.
These exercises provide the reader with a good working knowledge of the principles that are at the basis of Fourier analysis.
"We do not learn anything by word, but by example" F.M.
1. Fourier Series.
2. Fourier Transform.
3. Laplace Transform.
4. Integrals and Convolution Product.
5. Correlation.
6. Signal Sampling.
Roger Ceschi is the Director at Esigetel and Deputy Director General at Groupe Efrei in Paris, France. He is also Professor at several Chinese and South African universities. His research focuses on signal theory and stochastic processes.
Jean-Luc Gautier retired as University Professor at ENSEA in Cergy, France in 2014. His research focused on the design of microwave circuits and the architecture of digital communications systems.