Nanoelectromechanical Systems

Nanoelectromechanical Systems

Laurent Duraffourg and Julien Arcamone, CEA-LETI, Grenoble, France

ISBN : 9781848216693

Publication Date : June 2015

Hardcover 212 pp

140.00 USD



Nanoelectromechanical Systems (NEMS) are high-frequency mechanical systems which are fast and extremely sensitive at detecting minuscule forces or very low masses. These small devices are used to integrate electrical and mechanical functions on the nanoscale.
NEMS cover a large number of applications, ranging from signal processing to ultra-weak stimuli detection, and can form part of larger microsystems. Their low masses make them ideal candidates for identifying biomolecules in the living world or measuring cell strength. The potential of these components suggests they will play a major role in medical diagnosis, environmental monitoring and food quality monitoring.
This book presents theoretical and technological elements of nanosystems. Among the different topics discussed, the authors include the electromechanical properties of NEMS, the scaling effects that give these their interesting properties for different applications and the current manufacturing processes. The authors provide useful tools for future readers and an accurate picture of current and future research in the field.


1. From MEMS to NEMS.
2. Transduction on the Nanometric Scale and the Notion of Noise.
3. Monolithic Integration of NEMS with their Readout Electronics.
4. NEMS and Scaling Effects.
5. Conclusion and Application Prospects: From Fundamental Physics to Applied Physics.

About the authors/editors

Laurent Duraffourg is a Senior Scientist at the CEA-LETI (Minatec campus) laboratory in Grenoble, France. He is currently heading the nanophotonics and optical sensors lab of CEA-LETI.
Julien Arcamone is the MEMS Business Development Manager of CEA-LETI in Grenoble, France. He was formerly a research scientist in NEMS devices.

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