Competitive Quality and Innovation

Competitive Quality and Innovation

Pierre Maillard, Consultant


Publication Date : June 2015

Hardcover 366 pp

155.00 USD



Today, innovation is at the heart of the societal issues of our civilization. All of our hopes of being able to find solutions to solve our problems, or satisfy our ambitions, rest on innovation.

However, paradoxically, innovation is destabilizing, becoming less and less appealing, and has tobe installed into increasingly complex systems.
The risk of failure is thus growing.

The aim of this book is to present new quality practices adapted to the specifics of innovation processes in order to increase their chances of success while also facilitating support of the creators who are often put off by the constraints of traditional quality management methods. These practices are applied in businesses of all sizes who do not want to broadcast on this subject as they are at the center of the factors that make them competitive.

These quality approaches,which are specific to each innovation process, rest on a common methodological platform that is at the core of this book.


1. The Innovation Concept.
2. Competitive Quality of an Innovation.
3. Competitive Quality Tactics.
4. The Marketing Quality of an Innovation.
5. The “Quality” Fuel of an Innovation.
6. The Emitters of Quality Fuel.
7 Qualification of Emitters.
8. Validation of Marketing Quality.
9. Supervision of Emitters.
10. Monitoring Perceived Quality.
11. Ensuring Benefits.
12. The Role of the Quality Department.
13. Quality Culture in Project.

About the authors/editors

Pierre Maillard has a PhD in Mathematics and works as a Consultant specializing in innovation process quality management, strategic management of quality, improving the efficiency of service quality and the development of medical equipment.