X-ray Diffraction by Polycrystalline Materials

Instrumentation and Microstructural Analysis

X-ray Diffraction by Polycrystalline Materials

René Guinebretière, ENS de Céramiques Industrielles, Limoges, France

ISBN : 9781905209217

Publication Date : March 2007

Hardcover 376 pp

215.00 USD



This book presents a physical approach to the diffraction phenomenon and its applications in materials science. An historical background to the discovery of X-ray diffraction is first outlined. Next, Part 1 gives a description of the physical phenomenon of X-ray diffraction on perfect and imperfect crystals. Part 2 then provides a detailed analysis of the instruments used for the characterization of powdered materials or thin films. The description of the processing of measured signals and their results is also covered, as are recent developments relating to quantitative microstructural analysis of powders or epitaxial thin films on the basis of X-ray diffraction. Given the comprehensive coverage offered by this title, anyone involved in the field of X-ray diffraction and its applications will find this of great use.


1. Kinematic and geometric theories of X-ray diffraction.
2. Instrumentation used for X-ray diffraction.
3. Data processing, extracting information.
4. Interpreting the results.
5. Scattering and diffraction on imperfect crystals.
6. Microstructural study of randomly oriented polycrystalline samples.
7. Microstructural study of thin films.

About the authors/editors

René Guinebretière is a senior lecturer at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Céramique Industrielle in Limoges, France, and teaches X-ray diffraction. His research activities are the study of materials through X-ray diffraction within the SPCTS International Laboratory in France.