Transport and Coherent Structures in Wall Turbulence

Transport and Coherent Structures in Wall Turbulence

Sedat Tardu, Grenoble University, France

ISBN : 9781848213951

Publication Date : August 2014

Hardcover 488 pp

195.00 USD



Wall bounded turbulent flows are of capital importance in industrial and environmental fluid mechanics. The structure of the wall turbulence is intimately related to the coherent structures that play a fundamental role in the transport process. The comprehension of their regeneration mechanism is indispensable for the development of efficient strategies in terms of drag control and near-wall turbulence management.

This book provides an updated and summarizing view on the progress made in this specific area over the last few decades.

It begins by introducing the fundamental notions in order to provide the readers with the tools necessary to understand the rest of the book without having to refer to other materials, then moves on to deal with the subject of turbulent transport. The remainder of the book is dedicated to coherent structures, beginning by outlining the basic notions relating to the definition of such structures, and then the identification of them. The vortices which sustain near-wall turbulent activity are generated and maintained by complex mechanisms, which are analyzed in one chapter. Finally, a chapter is devoted to the effect of the Reynolds number and the effect of large-scale and very large-scale structures on near-wall turbulence.


1. General Points.
2. Transport Phenomena in Wall Turbulence.
3. Near-Wall Coherent Structures: History, Identification and Detection.
4. Coherent Wall Structures: Dynamics and Contribution to Turbulent Activity.
5. Regeneration and Self-maintaining of Coherent Structures.
6. Large- and Very Large-Scale Structures.

About the authors/editors

Sedat Tardu is Associate Professor at Grenoble University in France where he teaches turbulent shear flows, heat transfer, fluid dynamics and chaos. His research area includes canonical and non-canonical wall turbulence, active and passive control of near-wall turbulence, unsteady wall layers, mixing and micro mixing and microfluidics. He has been a visiting researcher in several universities (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Imperial College London, Beihang Un. Beijing). He is the author of more than 250 papers in peer-reviewed journals, and international conferences as well as several chapters in books.

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