Spatial remote sensing, especially in the infrared spectral range, has boomed in recent years. This can be explained by the awareness of air pollution problems, such as poorer air quality or climate changes whose consequences are at the heart of issues in current society.
Thus, this book provides an overview of the characteristics and the role of spatial infrared remote sensing for studies of the Earth’s atmosphere.
The theoretical and instrumental bases, but also numerical methods, are summarized, and the main application domains are illustrated with the help of some concrete examples for the characterization of gases, clouds and aerosols and their implications in atmospheric or environmental issues related to climate, meteorology or air quality.
This book is designed to provide the theoretical, but most of all, the practical bases needed for the achievement of atmospheric composition analyses from infrared remote sensing. Therefore, a panorama of numerical approaches to solving the Radiative Transfer Equation, and a list of codes, databases and references available in the literature or on the Internet are also available.
1. Basic Physics of the Atmosphere and Radiation.
2. Instrumentation and Sensors.
3. Forward Radiative Transfer in Absorbing Atmosphere.
4. Forward Radiative Transfer in Scattering Atmosphere.
5. Methods of Geophysical Parameter Retrieval.
6. Space Infrared Remote Sensing: Some Applications.
Hervé Herbin is currently Professor at the University of Lille, France, where he mainly teaches optics and molecular spectroscopy. His research, conducted at Laboratoire d’Optique Atmosphérique (LOA), includes high spectral resolution infrared measurements from laboratory, ground-based and satellite remote-sensing dedicated to the studies of the composition and evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere. As such, he is scientific manager of an instrumental prototype (CHRIS) and involved in the technical specification of the future spatial infrared spectrometer IASI-NG.
Philippe Dubuisson is Professor in the physics department at the University of Lille I, France, where he teaches general physics, atmospheric sciences and radiative transfer to undergraduate and graduate students. In his current position at LOA, his research experience is mainly in the field of radiative transfer modeling in the solar and thermal spectral ranges with applications to remote sensing and radiative forcing estimates. He has been involved in the definition and analysis of recent space instruments, mainly for the Infrared Imager Radiometer (IIR / CALIPSO) and the wide-field imaging radiometer/polarimeter POLDER on PARASOL, mainly for retrieval of water vapor content or aerosol and cloud optical characterization.