Monitoring and diagnosis of electrical machine faults is a scientific and economic issue which is motivated by objectives for reliability and serviceability in electrical drives.
This book provides a survey of the techniques used to detect the faults occurring in electrical drives: electrical, thermal and mechanical faults of the electrical machine, faults of the static converter and faults of the energy storage unit.
Diagnosis of faults occurring in electrical drives is an essential part of a global monitoring system used to improve reliability and serviceability. This diagnosis is performed with a large variety of techniques: parameter estimation, state observation, Kalman filtering, spectral analysis, neural networks, fuzzy logic, artificial intelligence, etc. Particular emphasis in this book is put on the modeling of the electrical machine in faulty situations.
Electrical Machines Diagnosis presents original results obtained mainly by French researchers in different domains. It will be useful as a guideline for the conception of more robust electrical machines and indeed for engineers who have to monitor and maintain electrical drives. As the monitoring and diagnosis of electrical machines is still an open domain, this book will also be very useful to researchers.
1. Faults in Electrical Machines and their Diagnosis, Sadok Bazine and Jean-Claude Trigeassou.
2. Modeling Induction Machine Winding Faults for Diagnosis, Emmanuel Schaeffer and Smail Bachir.
3. Closed-Loop Diagnosis of the Induction Machine, Imène Ben Ameur Bazine, Jean-Claude Trigeassou, Khaled Jelassi and Thierry Poinot.
4. Induction Machine Diagnosis Using Observers, Guy Clerc and Jean-Claude Marques.
5. Thermal Monitoring of the Induction Machine, Luc Loron and Emmanuel Foulon.
6. Diagnosis of the Internal Resistance of an Automotive Lead-acid Battery by the Implementation of a Model Invalidation-based Approach: Application to Crankability Estimation, Jocelyn Sabatier, Mikaël Cugnet, Stéphane Laruelle, Sylvie Grugeon, Isabelle Chanteur, Bernard Sahut, Alain Oustaloup and Jean-Marie Tarascon.
7. Electrical and Mechanical Faults Diagnosis of Induction Machines using Signal Analysis, Hubert Razik and Mohamed El Kamel Oumaamar.
8. Fault Diagnosis of the Induction Machine by Neural Networks, Monia Ben Khader Bouzid, Najiba Mrabet Bellaaj, Khaled Jelassi, Gérard Champenois and Sandrine Moreau.
9. Faults Detection and Diagnosis in a Static Converter, Mohamed Benbouzid, Claude Delpha, Zoubir Khatir, Stéphane Lefebvre and Demba Diallo.
Jean-Claude Trigeassou was Professor at ESIP, an engineering school at Poitiers University, from 1988 to 2006. His major research interests are in the method of moments with applications to identification and control and in the parameter estimation of continuous systems with application to the diagnosis of electrical machines. At present, he is associated with the activities of the IMS-LAPS at Bordeaux University and his research works deal with modeling, stability, identification and control of fractional order systems.