Ultra Wide Band Technology (UWB) has reached a level of maturity that allows us to offer wireless links with either high or low data rates. These wireless links are frequently associated with a location capability for which ultimate accuracy varies with the inverse of the frequency bandwidth. Using time or frequency domain waveforms, they are currently the subject of international standards facilitating their commercial implementation. Drawing up a complete state of the art, Ultra Wide Band Antennas is aimed at students, engineers and researchers and presents a summary of internationally recognized studies.
1. Applications of Ultra Wide Band Systems, Serge Héthuin and Isabelle Bucaille.
2. Radiation Characteristics of Antennas, Xavier Begaud.
3. Representation, Characterization and Modeling of Ultra Wide Band Antennas, Christophe Roblin.
4. Experimental Characterization of UWB Antennas, Christophe Delaveaud.
5. UWB Antennas Overview,Nicolas Fortino, Jean-Yves Dauvignac, Georges Kossiavas and Xavier Begaud.
6. Antenna-Channel Joint Effects in UWB, Alain Sibille.
Appendix A. Reciprocity of the Antennas in Reception and Transmission Modes.
Appendix B. Method of the Stationary Phase.
Xavier Begaud is Associate Professor at TELECOM ParisTech in France. His main research interests are the theory, conception, modeling and characterization of wideband, dual polarized and 3D antennas (with special emphasis on numerical methods), and the design of metamaterials, channel sounders and mutual coupling analysis in the framework of UltraWideBand and Software Radio.