Energy Storage

Energy Storage

Edited by

Yves Brunet, INP Grenoble, France

ISBN : 9781848211834

Publication Date : November 2010

Hardcover 272 pp

92.50 USD



Energy storage examines different applications such as electric power generation, transmission and distribution systems, pulsed systems, transportation, buildings and mobile applications. For each of these applications, proper energy storage technologies are foreseen, with their advantages, disadvantages and limits.
As electricity cannot be stored cheaply in large quantities, energy has to be stored in another form (chemical, thermal, electromagnetic, mechanical) and then converted back into electric power and/or energy using conversion systems.
Most of the storage technologies are examined: batteries, hydrogen, super capacitors, SMES, flywheels, CAES, thermal storage and hydraulic gravitational storage.


1. Energy Storage for Electrical Systems, Régine Belhomme, Jérôme Duval, Gauthier Dellile, Gilles Malarange, Julien Martin and Andrei Nekrassov.
2.Transport: Rail, Road, Plane, Ship, Jean-Marie Kauffmann.
3. Energy Storage in Photovoltaic Systems, Florence Mattera.
4. Mobile Applications and Micro-Power Sources, Jérôme Delamare and Orphée Cugat.
5. Hydrogen Storage, Daniel Fruchart.
6. Fuel Cells: Principles and Function, Eric Vieil.
7. Fuel Cells: System Operation, Daniel Hissel, Denis Candusso and Marie-Cécile Pera.
8. Electrochemical Storage: Cells and Batteries, Florence Fusalba and Sébastien Martinet.
9. Supercapacitors: Principles, Sizing, Power Interfaces and Applications, Philippe Barrade.

About the authors/editors

Yves Brunet was Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG) until his retirement in 2008. He specializes in applications of super conductivity in electrical machines and devices.

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