Passive RF integrated circuits

modeling, characterization and measurement

Passive RF integrated circuits

Edited by

Pierre Saguet, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Electronique de Grenoble, France.

ISBN : 9781848211759

Publication Date : October 2009

Hardcover 288 pp

140.00 USD



This book, written by recognized experts in the field, is intended for designers of RF or microwave passive integrated circuits. It describes methods used for modeling passive circuits using the most common numerical analysis techniques (the method of moments, finite element methods, FDTD, TLM), and pays particular attention to propagation phenomena. Interconnections and packaging modeling are included, as well as an original method for multi-scale circuit modeling.

Characterization and measurement methods in the time and frequency domains are the subject of two very detailed chapters. Measurement errors using Vector Network Analyzer (VNA ) and appropriate corrections are detailed and the divergences between all the various parameters S, Z, Y, h, T, ABCD are given. Time domain reflectometry and its use are also covered in detail.


1. Numerical Analysis Methods for Passive Circuits, Pierre Saguet.
2. Calculation Procedures of Passive Components with the TLM Method: Application to Coplanar Filters and Antennas, Michel Ney, Sandrick Le Maguer, Gaétan Prigent.
3. Multi-scales Circuits : Use of Auxiliary Sources, Henri Baudrand, Sidina Wane.
4. Packages for RF Circuits, Jean Chilo.
5. Characterization of Devices and Passive RF Integrated Circuits, Jean-Louis Carbonero.
6. Measurement in the Time Domain, Fabien Ndagijimana.

About the authors/editors

Pierre Saguet is Professor at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Electronique de Grenoble, France, and manager of the electromagnetic modeling team in the IMEP-LAHC laboratory. His research interests are in the area of numerical methods of analysis, particularly the transmission line matrix (TLM) method development, electromagnetic compatibility and signal integrity.

Henri Baudrand is a Doctor Honoris Causa of Iasi (Romania) University. He was chairman of the French chapter of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (IEEE MTT-S) and the IEEE Electronic Devices Society from 1996 to 1998.

Jean-Louis Carbonéro has worked at STMicroelectronics, Crolles, France (Central R&D organization) since 1993. He is responsible of the Analogue, Mixed Signal and RF DFT, BIST and test solutions. His areas of interests are AMS&RF test, design validation, D2T, DFT, BIST, DBT.

Jean Chilo is a professor at the Institut de Technologie of Grenoble University, France. His research activities at IMEP-LAHC are in the area of propagation phenomena.

Sandrick Le Maguer is Associate Professor. His research interests include time domain numerical modelling and its implementation to analyze microwave and millimetre wave circuits and electromagnetic compatibility.

Fabien Ndagijimana is a Professor at the University Joseph Fourier in Grenoble, France. In IMEP-LAHC laboratory, Grenoble, France, he developed the transmission line matrix (TLM) method applied to the electromagnetic modelling of electromagnetic interference in high-speed and microwave circuits.

Michel Ney is currently the Director of the Laboratoire d’Electronique et Systèmes de Télécommunication (LEST), Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications de Bretagne, Brest, France. His research interests include millimeter-wave circuits, antenna and scattering, electromagnetic compatibility and interference (EMC/I) problems, and time and frequency-domain numerical techniques applied to electromagnetic engineering.

Gaëtan Prigent currently conducts research with the Laboratoire d’Electronique et Systèmes de Télécommunication (LEST), University of Brest. His research activities principally concern the modelling and design of passive planar filters for microwave and millimeter-wave applications.

Sidina Wane is currently with Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Electronique, Electrotechnique, Informatique, Hydraulique et des Télécommunications (ENSEEIHT), Toulouse, France. His research interests include modern numerical techniques for modelling electromagnetic fields and waves and computer-aided design of millimetre wave and microwave circuits. He was the recipient of the Genie Electrique, Electronique, Télécommunications (GEET) Award and Leopold Escande Award in 2002 for his Ph.D. dissertation.

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