Recycling, a Challenge for the Circular Economy

SCIENCES - Natural Resources: Applied Basic Research

Recycling, a Challenge for the Circular Economy

Edited by

Michel Cathelineau, CNRS, France.

ISBN : 9781789451627

Publication Date : October 2024

Hardcover 346 pp

165.00 USD



Reducing consumption is now an absolute necessity for the future of our environment. The circular economy is designed to reduce resource wastage and waste production, but also enables waste recovery, leading to the creation of secondary resources. All materials, regardless of how they have been processed, can be reused.

Recycling, a Challenge for the Circular Economy begins its analysis by raising awareness of the role of each of us in reducing the volume of individual waste. The book then outlines the strategies and challenges involved in recycling a wide range of materials, from minimally processed (wood, glass, building materials or polluted soil) to highly processed (electrical and electronic waste, batteries, magnets or plastics).

Aspects of resource availability are also discussed, as well as ways of addressing the dynamic cycle of materials in the context of ever-increasing demand.


1. Waste Prevention, Eddy Langlois.
2. Primary and Secondary Resources for Energy and Digital Transitions, Michel Cathelineau.
3. Recycling and Business Model(s) in the Circular Economy, Sébastien Liarte.
4. Hydrometallurgical Recycling of Energy Transition Materials, Alexandre Chagnes.
5. Recovery and Recycling of Metals from WEEE, Pauline Gambs, Marie Lepage and Hervé Muhr.
6. Recycling of Printed Circuit Boards, Benoît Villemejeanne and Sophie Legeai.
7. Polymer Recycling by Open Source Additive Manufacturing, Fabio Cruz Sanchez, Hakim Boudaoud, Sandrine Hoppe and Mauricio Camargo.
8. Holistic Assessment of Distributed Recycling for Open Source 3D Printing, Pavlo Santander Tapia, Fabio Cruz Sanchez, Hakim Boudaoud and Mauricio Camargo.
9. Cascading Recycling of Wood Waste, Nicolas Brosse, Arnaud Besserer, Sarah Troilo, Pierre Girods, Lucas Soufflet and Yann Rogaume.
10. Recycling and Recovery of Glass Material, Christophe Rapin, Eléonore Durand and Marie-Alice Skaper.
11. Agromining, A Method for Recovering Metals from Soil, Marie-Odile Simonnot, Baptiste Laubie, Jean Louis Morel and Guillaume Echevarria.
12. Recycling of Construction Components and Corresponding Sectors, Jean-Michel Mechling, Cécile Diliberto, Sandrine Braymand and Essia Belhaj.

About the authors/editors

Michel Cathelineau is Director of Research at the CNRS, France, and is heavily involved in the activities of the ICEEL Carnot Institute and the Strategic Metals in the 21st Century (Ressources21) laboratory of excellence.

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