Wine Management and Marketing 2

Responses of the Industry to Crises and New Expectations

Wine Management and Marketing 2

Edited by

Foued Cheriet, Institut Agro Montpellier, France.
Carole Maurel, University of Montpellier, France.
Paul Amadieu, University of Montpellier, France.
Hervé Hannin, Institut Agro Montpellier, France.

ISBN : 9781786308740

Publication Date : July 2024

Hardcover 368 pp

165.00 USD



With increased competition from new wine-producing countries and substitute products, declining wine consumption, climate change, health crises and geopolitical contexts, the wine industry has been facing serious difficulties in recent years. Paradoxically, however, this recent period also offers new opportunities.

Through the presentation of original research results, reading grids, illustrations and case studies, Wine Management and Marketing 2 analyzes the main challenges facing the wine industry and considers new opportunities: a renewed dynamism of technical, organizational and commercial innovations; the adaptability of actors; a greater introduction of new technologies; etc. The multi-faceted approach adopted by the authors and experts offers an enriched reflection, which provides a better understanding of the current state of the wine industry, and presents various levers for adapting to new commercial, societal and environmental expectations.


Part 1. Strategies, Regulations and Finance.
1. Inventories in the Wine Sector: A Strategic Question, Carole Maurel, Françoise Pierrot, and Foued Cheriet.
2. Is It Odd to Leverage Data Analytics in SMEs? A Study on Marketing and Innovation Practices, Théo Justy, Estelle Pellegrin-Boucher, Julien Granata, and Denis Lescop.
3. What is the Cost of a Hectare of Vines? Financial Value Versus Emotional Value: The Petrus Case, Gérard Hirigoyen and Pascale Weber.
4. Evolution of French Wine Companies in the Global Landscape, Jean-Marie Cardebat.

Part 2. Marketing.
5. Storytelling and Narration of Authenticity: The Case of New Winemakers in Saint-Chinian, Sarah Mussol and Yosr Ben Tahar.
6. Communication and the Évin Law Relaxation: Exploring the Potential Benefits of Imagining Instructions, Rémi Bréhonnet and Jean-François Trinquecoste.
7. Determining the Value of Organic Options through Willingness to Pay, Alvaro Cuya Gavilano and Jean-François Trinquecoste.
8. International Comparison of Adverts for a French Champagne: A Necessary Legal and Cultural Adaptation, Emmanuelle Sauvage and Eliane Karsaklian.

Part 3. Collective Strategy and Terroir.
9. Wine Terroirs and Collective Images of Wines: The Beaujolais Rosé Case, Failure or Potential? Jérémy Arnaud.
10. Collective Strategies and Positioning: The Case of the Loire Volcanique Initiative, Foued Cheriet, Hervé Hannin, Clément Arnal, and Fanny Lepage.
11. Research and Training, Factors of Competitiveness and Adaptation: The Montpellier Vine and Wine Cluster Case, Hervé Hannin and Jean-Marc Touzard.
12. Regional Wine Brands and Wine Brotherhoods: What Synergy to Promote Wine and Wine Tourism? Coralie Haller and Nada Maaninou.

Part 4. International Context.
13. Perception of Imported Wines by African Consumers: Where do Bordeaux Wines Stand? Mathieu Nlend-Momnougui, Jean-Philippe Galan, and Franck Duquesnois.
14. Health Crisis and Wine Exports: How Should the Missions of Export Managers be Adapted? Carole Maurel and Foued Cheriet.
15. Establishing Trust in a B2B Wine Export Relationship in Africa, Mathieu Nlend-Momnougui, Franck Duquesnois, and Jean-Philippe Galan.
16. Governance and Strategy of French Wine Cooperatives and Cooperative Federations for Export, Louis-Antoine Saisset and Iciar Pavez.

About the authors/editors

Foued Cheriet is Full Professor of International Strategy and Marketing Applied to Wine at the Institut Agro Montpellier and a member of the Institute for Higher Education in Vine and Wine, France.

Carole Maurel is Associate Professor at the University of Montpellier - Montpellier Management Institute and a member of the MRM laboratory and Labex Entreprendre, France.

Paul Amadieu is Associate Professor at the University of Montpellier - Montpellier Management Institute and a member of the MRM laboratory and Labex Entreprendre, France.

Hervé Hannin is Research Engineer at the Institut Agro Montpellier, Director of the Chaire d'entreprises Vigne et Vin, and Director of Development at the Institute for Higher Education in Vine and Wine, France.