Symmetric cryptology is one of the two main branches of cryptology. Its applications are essential and vital in the Information Age, due to the efficiency of its constructions.
The scope of this book in two volumes is two-fold. First, it presents the most important ideas that have been used in the design of symmetric primitives, their inner components and their most relevant constructions. Second, it describes and provides insights on the most popular cryptanalysis and proof techniques for analyzing the security of the above algorithms. A selected number of future directions, such as post-quantum security or design of ciphers for modern needs and particular applications, are also discussed.
We believe that the two volumes of this work will be of interest to researchers, to master’s and PhD students studying or working in the field of cryptography, as well as to all professionals working in the field of cybersecurity.
Part 1. Design of Symmetric-key Algorithms.
1. Introduction to Design in Symmetric Cryptography, Joan Daemen.
2. The Design of Stream Ciphers, Chaoyun Li and Bart Preneel.
3. Block Ciphers, Orr Dunkelman.
4. Hash Functions, Gilles Van Assche.
5. Modes of Operation, Gaëtan Leurent.
6. Authenticated Encryption Schemes, Maria Eichlseder.
7. MDS Matrices, Gaëtan Leurent.
8. S-boxes, Christina Boura.
9. Rationale, Backdoors and Trust, Léo Perrin.
Part 2. Security Proofs for Symmetric-key Algorithms.
10. Modeling Security, Bart Mennink.
11. Encryption and Security of Counter Mode, Bart Mennink.
12. Message Authentication and Authenticated Encryption, Tetsu Iwata.
13. H-coefficients Technique, Yannick Seurin.
14. Chi-square Method, Mridul Nandi.
Part 3. Appendices.
Appendix 1. Data Encryption Standard (DES), Christina Boura.
Appendix 2. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Christina Boura and Orr Dunkelman.
Appendix 3. PRESENT, Christina Boura.
Appendix 4. KECCAK, Christina Boura.
Christina Boura is an associate professor at the University of Versailles, France, who works on symmetric cryptography. She is a well-recognized member of the cryptographic community, having served on many program committees and as editor-in-chief of the ToSC IACR journal.
Maria Naya-Plasencia is a research director at Inria, France, who also works on symmetric cryptography. She obtained an ERC grant in 2016 and the Young Researcher Prize from Inria-Académie des Sciences in 2019, and has given several invited keynote talks.