Geodynamics of the Alps 3

Collisional Processes

SCIENCES - Dynamics of the Continental Lithosphere

Geodynamics of the Alps 3

Edited by

Claudio L. Rosenberg, ISTeP, Sorbonne Université, France
Nicolas Bellahsen, ISTeP, Sorbonne Université, France

ISBN : 9781789451184

Publication Date : July 2024

Hardcover 346 pp

165.00 USD



Geodynamics of the Alps consists of three volumes. This third volume is entirely dedicated to Alpine collision. It describes and interprets elements of the Alpine chain, including Alpine magmatism, the formation of external massifs, the foreland basin, the exhumation of the internal part of the chain and the northern deformation front of the Alps.

The aim of this book is to create a space for experts on Alpine research to present the state of the art of specific subjects and provide their own interpretations.


1. Cenozoic Magmatism in the Alps and their Surroundings: Relating Magmatic and Geodynamic Events, Alfons Berger, Claudio L. Rosenberg and Giancarlo Molli.
2. Evolution of the External Crystalline Massifs of the European Alps: From Massif to Lithosphere Scale, Marco Herwegh, Alfons Berger, Nicolas Bellahsen, Yann Rolland and Edi Kissling.
3. A Review of How Our Understanding on the
Relationships between the Alps and the North Alpine Foreland Basin has Evolved, Fritz Schlunegger and Edi Kissling.
4. The Detrital Thermochronological Record of Exhumation of the European Alps since the Early Oligocene, Matthias Bernet, Peter Van Der Beek, Pierre G. Valla and Christoph Glotzbach.
5. The Northern Deformation Front of the European Alps, Hugo Ortner, Christoph Von Hagke, Anna Sommaruga, Samuel Mock, Jon Mosar, Ralph Hinsch and Andreas Beidinger.

About the authors/editors

Claudio L. Rosenberg, ISTeP, Sorbonne Université, France.

Nicolas Bellahsen, ISTeP, Sorbonne Université, France.

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