Modeling and Use of Context in Action

Modeling and Use of Context in Action

Edited by

Patrick Brézillon, Sorbonne University, France
Roy M. Turner, University of Maine, USA

ISBN : 9781786308290

Publication Date : September 2022

Hardcover 310 pp

165.00 USD



This book brings together current research and adopts a pragmatic approach to modeling and using context to solve real-world problems. The editors were instrumental in creating – and continue to be involved in – the interdisciplinary research community, centered around the biennial CONTEXT (International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context) conference series, focused on studying context and its implications for artificial intelligence, software applications, psychology, philosophy, linguistics, neuroscience, as well as other fields.

The first three chapters lay the foundations, looking at the lessons learned over the past 25 years and arguing for a continued shift toward more pragmatic approaches. The remaining chapters contain contributions to pragmatic context-based research from a wide range of domains, including technological problems – such as subway incident management and autonomous underwater vehicle control – identifying emotions from speech without understanding the words, anonymization in a world where privacy is increasingly threatened, teaching in context and improving management teaching in a business school.


1. Pragmatic Research on Context Modeling and Use, Patrick Brézillon and Roy M. Turner.
2. Modeling and Using Context: 25 Years of Lessons Learned,Patrick Brézillon.
3. Toward Pragmatic Context-Based Intelligent Systems, Patrick Brézillon and Roy M. Turner.
4. Activating the Context for Learning and Teaching: Findings from the TEEC Project, Claire Anjou, Thomas Forissier, Jacqueline Bourdeau, Valéry Psyché, Lamprini Chartofylaka and Alain Stockless.
5. Pragmatic Reasoning in Context: Context-Mediated Behavior, Roy M. Turner.
6. Using Context to Help Identify the Emotional State of a Human in a Conversation, Andreas H. Marpaung and Avelinu J. Gonzalez.
7. Context-Driven Behavior: A Proactive Approach to Contextual Reasoning, Christian Wilson.
8. Context-Based Personal Data Discovery for Anonymization, Hassane Tahir and Patrick Brézillon.
9. Situated Management Learning, John Hegarty and Régis Maubrey.

About the authors/editors

Patrick Brézillon is Professor Emeritus at Sorbonne University, France. His research focuses on context modeling and its use in applications and has culminated in the Contextual-Graph software. This research focus is shared by a large community that has been active for almost 25 years.

Roy M. Turner is Associate Professor of computer science at the University of Maine, USA. His research area is artificial intelligence, focusing in particular on context-sensitive reasoning, deep learning in context, intelligent real-world agent control and computational ecology.