Climate change has been a central concern over recent years, with visible and highly publicized consequences such as melting Arctic ice and mountain glaciers, rising sea levels, and the submersion of low-lying coastal areas during mid-latitude and tropical cyclones.
This book presents a review of the spatial impacts of contemporary climate change, with a focus on a systematic, multi-scalar approach. Beyond the facts – rises in temperature, changes in the spatial distribution of precipitation, melting of the marine and terrestrial cryosphere, changes in hydrological regimes at high and medium latitudes, etc. – it also analyzes the geopolitical consequences in the Arctic and Central Asia, changes to Mediterranean culture and to viticulture on a global scale, as well as impacts on the distribution of life, for example, in the Amazon rainforest, in large biomes on a global scale, and for birds.
1. Climate Change at Different Temporal and Spatial Scales, Denis Mercier.
2. Climate Change and the Melting Cryosphere, Denis Mercier.
3. Between Warming and Globalization: Rethinking the Arctic at the Heart of a Stakes System, Éric Canobbio.
4. Coastlines with Increased Vulnerability to Sea-level Rise, Axel Creach.
5. The Consequences of Climate Change on the Paraglacial Sedimentary Cascade, Denis Mercier and Étienne Cossart.
6. Spatial Impacts of Climate Change on Periglacial Environments, Denis Mercier and Étienne Cossart.
7. The Impacts of Climate Change on the Hydrological Dynamics of High Latitude Periglacial Environments, Emmanuèle Gautier.
8. The Impacts of Climate Change on Watercourses in Temperate Environments, Gilles Drogue.
9. Spatial Impacts of Melting Central Asian Glaciers: towards a “Water War”?, Alain Cariou.
10. Spatial Impact of Climate Change on Winter Droughts in the Mediterranean and Consequences on Agriculture, Florian Raymond and Albin Ullmann.
11. The Spatial Impacts of Climate Change on Viticulture Around the World, Hervé Quénol and Renan Le Roux.
12. Climate Change in the Amazon: A Multi-scalar Approach, Vincent Dubreuil, Damien Arvor, Beatriz Funatsu, Vincent Nédéléc and Neli De Mello-Théry.
13. The Impacts of Climate Change on the Distribution of Biomes, Delphine Gramond.
14. Spatial Impacts of Climate Change on Birds, Laurent Godet.
Denis Mercier is Professor of Geography at Sorbonne University and a member of the Laboratory of Physical Geography: Quaternary and Current Environments. His research focuses on the impacts of climate change on the polar environment and the risks of flooding and sea submergence.