Microprocessor 1

Prolegomenes - Calculation and Storage Functions - Models of Computation and Computer Architecture

Microprocessor 1

Philippe Darche, the Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT) de Paris, France

ISBN : 9781786305633

Publication Date : November 2020

Hardcover 216 pp

165.00 USD



Since its commercialization in 1971, the microprocessor, a modern and integrated form of the central processing unit, has continuously broken records in terms of its integrated functions, computing power, low costs and energy saving status. Today, it is present in almost all electronic devices. Sound knowledge of its internal mechanisms and programming is essential for electronics and computer engineers to understand and master computer operations and advanced programming concepts.

This book in five volumes focuses more particularly on the first two generations of microprocessors, those that handle 4- and 8-bit integers. Microprocessor 1 – the first of five volumes – presents the computation function, recalls the memory function and clarifies the concepts of computational models and architecture. A comprehensive approach is used, with examples drawn from current and past technologies that illustrate theoretical concepts, making them accessible.


1. The Function of Computation.
2. The Function of Memory.
3. Computation Model and Architecture: Illustration with the von Neumann Approach.

About the authors/editors

Philippe Darche is Maître de conférences in Information Technology at the Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT) de Paris and a researcher at LIP6 at Sorbonne University in the Inria DeLyS (DistributEd aLgorithms and sYstemS) team, France. He is the author of five books in the field of computer architecture.

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