System Requirements Engineering

A SysML Supported Requirements Engineering Method

System Requirements Engineering

Jean-Yves Bron, University of Lorraine, France

ISBN : 9781786305947

Publication Date : September 2020

Hardcover 224 pp

165.00 USD



System requirements engineering is a key feature of complex systems engineering. This book proposes a method inspired by the best practices of system engineering standards: it favors a model-based systems engineering approach using the system modeling language SysML.

System Requirements Engineering is divided into two parts. Part 1 defines the context, definitions and main concepts of requirements engineering as well as relevant activities, before giving the proposed method, comprised of eight steps. Each step involves a discussion of the desired goal and how to achieve it using SysML.

Part 2, with the use of detailed examples, illustrates the methods used by treating a case study to define the needs of the stakeholders and the system requirements. Finally, the use of the SysML supported requirements engineering method is discussed in conjunction with the Harmony, Arcadia and CESAM engineering methods.


Part 1. Requirements Engineering
1. The Requirements Engineering Process.
2. A Method for Requirements Engineering.

Part 2. Case Study, Application of the Method
3. Definition of Stake holders’ Needs.
4. System Requirements Engineering.
5. Integration with Other Methods.

About the authors/editors

Jean-Yves Bron is Assistant Professor at the University of Lorraine, France, where he teaches Requirements Engineering as part of the Complex Systems Engineering Master’s program. He specializes in modeling (BPMN, SysML) and encourages model-based systems engineering approaches (MBSE).