Measurement in Marketing

Operationalization of Latent Constructs

Measurement in Marketing

Azza Frikha, Tunis Business School (ESCT), Tunisia

ISBN : 9781786304629

Publication Date : November 2019

Hardcover 250 pp

145.00 USD



Scientific research uses concepts (or constructs) and requires means to measure them. Often latent, abstract and not directly observable, these concepts demand special attention. When facing problems related to their operationalization, considerable efforts are required to construe measures that effectively represent the phenomena studied.

Measurement in Marketing presents a wide range of ideas to help researchers in the selection, design and validation of measurements of constructs. It analyzes the provisions that must be implemented to allow the transition from a latent conceptual construct to an operational level close to reality, and thus to make possible a fluid, reliable and valid reading of the phenomena observed.

This instructive book guides readers through all stages of the implementation of a measure. It is intended for a wide audience, offering examples, summary tables and boxes in order to emphasize the primary information.


1. Characteristics and Main Types of Measurement.
2. Standardizing or Constructing a Measurement Scale.
3. Conception of a Measurement Scale.
4. Construction of a Measurement Scale.
5. Design of a Measurement Scale.
6. Quantitative Purification of a Reflective Scale.
7. Validity of a Measurement Scale.

About the authors/editors

Azza Frikha has a PhD in Management Sciences from the University of Rennes 1 and is a University Professor of Marketing at the Tunis Business School (ESCT).