The role of an electronic designer is to quickly realize the theoretical demonstration of subsets such as amplifiers and oscillators in the same concise and reduced space, as well as to create a suitable simulation to validate the theory and make it possible to consider a practical implementation.
Amplifiers and Oscillators, expected to become a reference book in the field, has been written with this objective and responds to the legitimate concerns and aspirations of designers.
Very specific amplifiers, cascomp or cross-quad, complement the presentation of more traditional amplifiers, built around one or several transistors, varying differentials, shunt-series pairs or Class E amplifiers.
In addition to this, numerous examples of LF and RF oscillators are presented, both symmetric and asymmetric, as well as calculation methods. Methods for optimization, the reduction of harmonic distortion and the improvement of phase noise are explored indepth and accompanied with examples which can be taken up and implemented, together with simulations to validate the demonstrations.
The final chapter is dedicated to a very promising new RF oscillator structure, Bora, which produces exceptional results.
1. The Transistor.
2. Amplifiers.
3. Differential Amplifiers.
4. Amplifier Output Stage.
5. Study and Analysis of Certain Amplifiers.
6. Study and Analysis of Oscillators.
7. Low Frequency Oscillators.
8. High Frequency Oscillators.
9. Differential Oscillators.
10. Bonus Oscillators.
François de Dieuleveult is an expert in the field of electronics. Now a university lecturer and author of several books, he has worked as a research engineer at CEA Saclay (France) and a consultant for numerous SMEs.