Distributed Systems

Concurrency and Consistency

Distributed Systems

Matthieu Perrin, University of Nantes, France.

ISBN : 9781785482267

Publication Date : March 2017

Hardcover 188 pp

100 USD



Modern society is increasingly governed by technology with more than 3 billion internet users in 2015. Unlike their sequential counterparts, distributed systems are much more difficult to design and are therefore prone to problems. On a large scale, usability reminiscent of sequential consistency, which would provide the same global view to all users, is very expensive or proves impossible to achieve. This book investigates the best ways to specify the objects that are still possible to implement in these systems.

This research explores the gray area of distributed systems and draws a map of weak consistency criteria, identifying several families and demonstrating how these may be implemented into a programming language.


1. Specification of Shared Objects.
2. Overview of Existing Models.
3. Update Consistency.
4. Causal Consistency.
5. Weak Consistency Space.
6. CODS Library.

About the authors/editors

Matthieu Perrin is a researcher whose interests are primarily focused on distributed systems modeling. This book is based on work carried out for his PhD thesis at the University of Nantes in France.

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