Computers are quickly making the transition from silicon towards miniaturization, which now risks reaching its limits as dictated by the laws of physics. Quantum communications are the answer to post-silicon computers.
The main applications for quantum communications in the domain of telecommunications are beginning to appear, with some commercial applications already on the market.
This book explores the technological advances in quantum communications with a special focus on telecommunications systems.
The authors provide a comprehensive state of the art on quantum communications and quantum signal processing. The reader will learn about the advantages, current applications and future prospects of quantum technology.
1. The State of the Art in Quantum Communications.
2. Concepts in Communications.
3. Quantum Signal Processing.
4. Quantum Circuits.
5. Optical Fibers and Solitons.
6. Photonic Crystals.
8. WDM.
9. Quantum Algorithms.
10. Applications.
11. Quantum Cryptography.
Malek Benslama is currently Head of the Doctoral School of Space Telecommunications and a member of the scientific council of the Algerian Space Agency.
Achour Benslama is currently Professor of theoretical physics at the University of Constantine 1 in Algeria.
Skander Aris is Associate Professor at the University of Constantine 1 in Algeria and Head of the electronics department.