Energy Autonomy of Batteryless and Wireless Embedded Systems

Aeronautical Applications

Energy Management in Embedded Systems SET Coordinated by Maryline Chetto

Energy Autonomy of Batteryless and Wireless Embedded Systems

Jean-Marie Dilhac, National Institute of Applied Sciences of Toulouse, France
Vincent Boitier, University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France

ISBN : 9781785481239

Publication Date : October 2016

Hardcover 176 pp

100 USD



Numerous new applications of embedded systems are envisioned in the context of aeronautics, such as sensor deployment for flight tests or for structural health monitoring. However, the increasing burden of on-board cabling requires wireless solutions. Moreover, concerns such as safety or system lifetime preclude the use of electrochemical energy storage. Ambient energy capture, storage and management are therefore key topics. This book presents these concepts and illustrates them through actual implementations in airliners.

With five years of experience within this specialist field, the authors present results from actual flight tests via a partnership with Airbus. Basic concepts are summarized, together with practical implementations in airliners, enriching the book through the very specific aspects related to embedded systems deployed in aircraft. This book will appeal to both students and practising engineers in the field.


1. Wireless Sensor Networks.
2. Energy Autonomy.
3. Architectures and Electric Circuits.
4. Build Achievements.

About the authors/editors

Jean-Marie Dilhac is Professor at the National Institute of Applied Sciences of Toulouse where he teaches telecommunications, electronics, digital signal processing and the history of science. His research focuses on energy management in wireless sensor networks, particularly in the field of aeronautics.

Vincent Boitier is a lecturer at University Paul Sabatier Toulouse in the subject of energy and embedded systems.